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To attain this end in the presence of an ever-watchful foe who had just recently been reinforced in considerable numbers from Richmond and further south almost enough to make up the losses he had sustained in the Wilderness and at Spottsylvania required the most vigorous and zealous work on the part of those to whom had been allotted the task of carrying out the initial manoeuvres.

In the distance the lights of the city blinked under the dome of growing darkness, while to the right a long line of light marked the citadel and the palace of the King. "There are ever-watchful eyes, ever-waking ears about us, looking and listening for treachery," De Froilette went on. "Every man suspects his neighbor, and has fingers ready for the knife handle.

For any signs of the literary taint he keeps open a stern and ever-watchful eye, and the "editor" or "editorial assistant" to make a distinction without a difference whom he should suspect of literary leanings has but a short shrift. Mr. Snooks is seldom much of a reader himself.

The intendants constantly made reports to, and received orders from, the central government at Paris. They were so many eyes, all over the kingdom, for an ever-watchful Richelieu.

Thus by a judicious exercise of tact and asperity we re-established the atmospheric equilibrium of the room long before I left them a little before midnight, now tenderly reconciled, to walk down to the harbour and hail the Tremolino by the usual soft whistle from the edge of the quay. It was our signal, invariably heard by the ever-watchful Dominic, the padrone.

Now that they were suddenly recalled to his mind, he felt uneasy at the idea of the unseen but ever-watchful "Granny," who might be listening to every word he uttered, noting every glance he threw at the girl. And then the natural suspicion flashed into his mind: Was there a "Granny" after all? or was the invisible one some person more to be dreaded than any old woman?

It is my hope and prayer that the ever-watchful Spirit of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá will guide, reinforce, and bless your unceasing and unsparing efforts, and crown with brilliant success the services which His well-beloved and loyal German friends are rendering to His Cause.

I dread it. How changed will all appear without him whose ever-watchful affection anticipated every wish, and realised every hope! I ought to feel pleased at leaving Paris, where the heaviest trial of my life has occurred, but here I have now learned to get inured to the privation of his society, while in England I shall have again to acquire the hard lesson of resignation. November, 1830.

So they went together to the orchard-fence unseen by old Chuckie on his stump. Scarface then showed himself in the orchard and quietly walked in a line so as to, pass by the stump at a distance, but never once turned his head or allowed the ever-watchful woodchuck to think himself seen.

He had to perform the repugnant work against his will, but the sergeants eased the poor fellow's plight as much as they dared by tying them up as leniently as possible, while they maintained an ever-watchful, although unostentatious vigilance, over them while suffering the penalty. By the introduction of this fiendish punishment Major Bach completely subdued the camp into a colony of crushed men.