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I never saw sech courtin' as you all's anyhow," she concluded. "It don't seem to lead nowhar, nor to end in nothin' except itself. That's what this here ever-lastin' education has done for you, Abel if you hadn't had those books to give you something to think about, you'd have been married an' settled a long time befo' now.

"'The full, the free, the glorious, an' the ever-lastin' h'ist'!" said she. "Where was you eddicated, Cap'n Pharo Kobbe?" "It don't make but darn little difference whar ye've been eddicated," replied Captain Pharo, "when ye're tryin' to make a speech, an' one o' them devil-fish boys goes around behind ye an' snaps a live lobster onto the slack o' yer britches!"

If 't w'an't so ever-lastin' cold, I'd take him right into the clock-room, an' blaze a fire; but he'd see right through that. You gether up them tools an' things, an' I'll help carry out the bench." If Enoch had not just then been absorbed in a delicate combination of brass, he might have spoken more sympathetically. As it was, he seemed kindly, but remote. "Look out!" said he, "you'll joggle.

Yes!" loudly, and facing round. "I'm askin' y' not t' bother us any more this mornin' with your ever-lastin' talk!" "Oh. You wish me to go." Mr. Perkins took up his hat and gloves. "My, but you're smart!" exclaimed Barber, sarcastically. "You can understand plain English! Yes, dear Mister Perkins, I mean that I don't want y' round." With that he continued on to the hall door, and opened it.

Kobbe's cough of deeper warning and high-mounting blushes on his account nerved him. "We've h'isted of 'er," he shouted with desperate defiance, "and thar she blows, don't she, by clam! on the full, the free, the glorious, an' the ever-lastin' h'ist!" A sturdy round of applause was not wanting, but on this point Mrs. Kobbe was visibly sceptical: she received her lord with sniffs of disdain.

But if 'twas me I'd just about take a wide tuck or two in that ever-lastin' mains'l he's got there. My conscience, but ain't he a-sockin' it to her!

I hope de ever-lastin' fire will be seben times hot when it gits dem skunks dat stirred up ructions 'ginst good King George, I sa'tinly do." A slight noise startled her, and turning her head, she smiled as she saw a girl standing near her side. "Land sakes! Missie Jean, how yo' did scare me!" she exclaimed.

He's as stiddy as a rock." "Don't let him hear you say so, Simon, for its the worst thing in the world to be a-praisin' your own children, and a-tellin' them they're so smart, and good lookin', it makes them so ever-lastin' conseity." Mr.

The men were big fellows, stripped to the waist, their white skins flashing in the sunlight, and they were working like I have seen men doing when fighting a big fire in the woods. I fairly gloated over the fire of that battery. "Give it to them, my sons of thunder!" I would say to myself; "Knock the ever-lastin' stuffin' out of 'em!"