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We learn that the Rev. Ambrose Eveleth, rector of St. Bartholomew's Chapel, has returned from his journey, and will officiate to-morrow. Then came strings of advertisements, with a luxuriant vegetation of capitals and notes of admiration.

He had tried, the young man answered, on the recommendation of Cyprian Eveleth, but had found it rather hard reading. Master Gridley lifted his eyebrows very slightly, remembering that some had called Spenser the poet's poet. "What a pity," he said to himself, "that this Gifted Hopkins has n't got the brains of that William Murray Bradshaw!

It was as if a ground-sparrow had changed her gray feathers for the burning plumage of some tropical wanderer; and it was natural enough that Cyprian Eveleth should have called her the fire-hang-bird, and her little chamber the fire-hang-bird's nest, using the country boy's synonyme for the Baltimore oriole.

She went over the main points, one by one, using the same untechnical simplicity of language which George's men of business had employed with herself. The facts could be stated broadly but comprehensively. When all was settled the Eveleth estate would have disappeared. Diane would possess her small inheritance, which was a thing apart. Mrs.

Eveleth went on again, "belong to that New York element which dates back to the time when the city was New Amsterdam, and the State, the New Netherlands. To you that means nothing, but in America it tells much. I was Naomi de Ruyter; my husband, on his mother's side, was a Van Tromp." "Really?" Diane murmured, feeling that Mrs. Eveleth's tone of pride required a response.

Eveleth flung her cane to the floor and dropped into a seat, leaning on the table and covering her face with her hands. For a minute she moaned harshly, but when she looked up her eyes were tearless. "And this is my reward," she cried, "for the kindness I've shown you! After all, you are nothing but a wanton." Diane kept her self-control, but she grew pale.

I don't know where it mightn't have ended; but of course when all this happened, and we got wind of Bienville's entanglement with Mrs. Eveleth, we had to put a stop to the thing, and pack her off to America. She'll stay there with her aunt, Mrs. Bayford, till it blows over." "And your friend Bienville? Hasn't he brought himself within the clutches of the law?"

"But Eveleth Strange wouldn't do that," she explained, "because it would have the effect of paying me back.

It's only what's been said of hundreds of thousands of women in Paris by hundreds of thousands of men, and in the place where they've said it it's taken with the traditional grain of salt. If all had gone as it was going at the time if the Eveleths hadn't lost their money if Mr. Eveleth hadn't shot himself if Mrs.

"Yes; I thought you would," she agreed, walking by his side. "It shows what she's willing to give up for you. It shows even more than that. It shows how she loves you. Dorothea is not a girl who holds society lightly, and if she renounces it " "Oh, but, come now, Mrs. Eveleth! It isn't going to be as bad as that." "It isn't going to be as bad as anything. Bad is not the word.