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Moreover, how were two Japanese, whose appearance did not indicate the possession of much ready money how were they likely to have a car, or even to rent one? And had they believed that they might be pursued? Would they not have come to Evanston by an obvious route of train or trolley.

Robbins, with a mocking laugh; "why, neighbor Baker, where have you been hiding so long that you 're so behind the times?" "I 've not been hiding at all," said I, indignantly. "I 've been living in Evanston Avenue, and a very worthy locality it is, too!" "And do you mean to tell me," asked Mr. Robbins, "that women don't ride the bicycle in Evanston Avenue?"

At Evanston we left the mountains and got on the high table land, over which we ran all day, having it cool and pleasant, a great contrast to the heat of the previous day. During the night of the 1st October we had it quite cold, our altitude being at no time less than 6,000 feet above the sea.

Reynolds's work in that State are thus referred to by a correspondent from Evanston: "His plan is to take a State and settle down in it 'to stay' until it capitulates to the red-ribbon pledge. None but men over eighteen years of age are allowed to sign this pledge. Eighty thousand men in Michigan, to-day, wear the ribbon, which is a token of their signature all of them have been drinking men.

With the lake as it is, she would be carried in a little." For nearly half an hour they continued straight out toward mid-lake. Orme noticed that there was a slight swell. The lights of Evanston were now mere twinkling distant points, far away over the dark void of the waters. Porter shut off the power. "We must be pretty near her," he said. They listened intently.

The children swarmed around the boards every day for the two months it was up, one of the pages who was interested in numbers having counted 60 an hour. Nature exhibits are always popular with children. "Our own birds" was the title of a bird- day bulletin at Evanston.

Nor was he deficient in his other qualifications as a Minister of Christ. When Brother Curtis fell from the walls of Zion, it might have been truly said, "A Prince in Israel has this day exchanged the earthly for the Heavenly Crown." During this year Rev. D.H. Muller was Pastor of Asbury Church. Brother Muller entered the Conference in 1861, coming from the Biblical School at Evanston.

Three days after his graduation, having reached his home, he received a letter from Bishop Simpson, asking him to come at once to Evanston. From there the Bishop sent him to the Erie Conference, then in session at Erie, Penn., where he was ordained and appointed to the Mission in India. Returning to Wisconsin, he was united in marriage with Miss Jeannette Shepherd, of Kenosha, Sept. 13th.

The house was peaceful, that evening, and he enjoyed a game of pinochle with his wife. He indignantly told the Tempter that he was content to do things in the good old fashioned way. The day after, he went to see the purchasing-agent of the Street Traction Company and they made plans for the secret purchase of lots along the Evanston Road.

A soft electric glow in the sky told where Evanston lay, several miles to the east. Far to the south a greater glow showed the position of Chicago. Pulling himself erect, Orme leaned forward. It seemed as though Arima must hear him breathe. Slowly he advanced his arm. Then, darting swiftly, he threw it around Arima's neck and drew backwards with a jerk. The Japanese was taken completely unawares.