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If one is very quiet, and makes no advance whatever, the hunted thing comes closer and closer, and then a sudden pounce he caught his breath. After that he was wary and watchful and full of his purpose. Within ten minutes Evadna walked into the trap. They had started, and were fifty yards up the trail, when Phoebe shouted frantically after them.

Her fingers were spiteful as they clicked the key in answer. She slammed the current off, set up the "out" notice again, kicked the desk chair against the wall, and came back to the "parlor" breathing quickly. "I think it must be perfectly fascinating to talk that way to persons miles off," said Evadna, eying the chittering sounder with something approaching awe.

His face was grave and thoughtful when at last he tore it into tiny bits and gave it to the hot, desert wind. It was a pitiful little message, printed laboriously upon a scrap of brown wrapping paper. It said simply: "God by i lov yo." Good Indian looked in the hammock, but Evadna was not there.

"Now, the idea of a great girl like you hiding her head under a pillow just because Grant asked old Hagar to apologize!" Evadna sat down upon the edge of the bed and stared unwinkingly at her aunt. "They don't apologize like that in New Jersey," she observed, with some resentment in her voice, and dabbed at her unbelievably blue eyes with a moist ball of handkerchief. "I know they don't, honey."

And I don't know but what it's a good thing for 'em to work off their energy digging ditches, even if it don't do a mite of good." Good Indian was leaning forward with his elbows on his knees, murmuring lover's confidences behind the shield of his tilted hat, which hid from all but Evadna his smiling lips and his telltale, glowing eyes.

And sending them, too, by the way. We operators are not supposed to think; but all the same " She got her receipt-book, filled rapidly a blank line, tucked it under her arm, and went up and tapped Evadna lightly upon the head with the envelope. "Want to come along? Or would you rather stay here? I won't be more than two minutes."

The horrid, mean old THING! To say such things, right to your face! And Grant, where DID she get hold of that knife, do you suppose and that bunch of hair?" She took his hand of her own accord, and patted it, and Evadna was not a demonstrative kind of person usually. "It wasn't just a tangle, like combings," she went on slowly. "I noticed particularly.

Evadna, therefore, refused absolutely to dismount there, though her errand had been a post-office money order. Jack was already on the ground when she made known her decision; and she left him in the middle of his expostulations and rode on to the depot.

He looked up at that last sentence, though it is doubtful if he had heard much of what she had been saying. "It's bound to do good if it does anything," he said, with an optimism which was largely the outgrowth of his beatific mood, which in its turn was born of his nearness to Evadna and her gracious manner toward him. "We promised not to molest them on their claims.

"She don't take after the Ramseys none there wasn't anything mushy about them that I ever heard of." "Mushy! MUSHY!" Evadna sat up and stared at nothing at all while she repeated the word under her breath. "She wants me to be gentle she preached gentleness in her letters, and told how her boys need it, and then she calls it being MUSHY!"