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The Parisii were thus admirably placed for tapping the profitable commerce of north-west Europe, and by the waters of the Eure, lower down the Seine, were able to touch the fertile valley of the Loire.

Would that they had known the famous Canadian, De Beaumont, the polyphagi, Tarare and Bijou, the dropsical woman from the department of Eure, the Piedmontese who went every twenty days to the water-closet, Simon de Mirepoix, who was ossified at the time of his death, and that ancient mayor of Angoulême whose nose weighed three pounds! The brain inspired them with philosophic reflections.

The distant tribes had all joined in it, either actively or by sympathy; and the patriots who had seized the control, despairing of pardon, thought their only hope was in keeping rebellion alive. During winter they believed themselves secure. The Carnutes of the Eure and Loire, under a new chief named Gutruatus, and the Bituriges, untaught by or savage at the fate of Bourges, were still defiant.

Madame Tellier, who came of a respectable family of peasant proprietors in the Department of the Eure, had taken up her profession, just as she would have become a milliner or dressmaker. The prejudice which is so violent and deeply rooted in large towns, does not exist in the country places in Normandy.

Isn't Dalbreque dominated by the memory of it? The house, which is certainly the one in which Rose Andree spent the summer, was empty. He has shut her up there." "But the house, you told me, was in the Seine-inferieure." "Well, so are we! To the left of the river, the Eure and the forest of Brotonne; to the right, the Seine-inferieure.

Ten months after the robbery of Quesnay he was known to be in the department of the Eure; Licquet, who had just terminated his enquiry, posted to Louviers, d'Aché, he found, had been there three days previously. From where had he come? From Tournebut, where, in spite of the search made, he could have lived concealed for six months in some well-equipped hiding-place?

Directly opposite is a magnificent vista over the canal of ornamental water framed on either side by patriarchal trees and having as a background the silhouette of the arches of the famous aqueduct which was to lead the waters of the Eure to Versailles. The interior of the chateau is not less remarkable than the exterior.

At the period of our story there existed in the department of the Eure, on the left bank of the Seine, beyond Gaillon, a large old manor-house, backed by the hill that extended as far as Andelys; it was called the Château de Tournebut.

Adieu, adieu, my Valentine, write to me, a line from you is happiness. My address is, Madame Albert Guérin, Care Mme. Taverneau, Pont de l'Arche, Department of the Eure. Paris, May 19th, 18 . Dear Edgar, It cannot be denied that friendship is the refuge of adversity the roof that shelters from the storm. In my prosperous days I never wrote you. Happiness is selfish.

It is thus with Chartres, one of the most ancient towns in France, which in every house bears evident proofs of its antiquity, the streets being in straight lines, and the houses dark, large, but full of small rooms. The town, as I have before said, is divided into two parts, by the river Eure, and thence, according to the French historians, was called Autricum by the Romans.