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He champs it in its hard crystalline state, like children champing sugar-candy. He mixes it with his tobacco, and says it is pulverized and drank in solution for medicine at Bornou, like Epsom salts, producing the same effects. Two people left to-day for Ghat, and two for Timbuctoo. The latter were the headmen of the large mercantile firm of Ettanee.

There is nothing like a border of The Desert. The "Grand Desert" and "Petite Desert" of the French, are equally incorrect and absurd. All is Sahara, or waste, uncultivated lands, and oases scattered thick within them, as spots on the back of the leopard . Saw the Rais late, who had heard all about my conversation with Ettanee, and jokingly said, "Wâr, wâr, that old fellow, aye?"

On my observing that the slab belonged to a date prior to the Christians, they were astonished, and asked, "Who were before the Christians?" They have no idea of people before the Christians. The conversation was suddenly stopped by the appearance of a remarkable personage, the quasi-Sultan of the Ben Weleed. This was the famous rich and powerful Haj Ben Mousa Ettanee.

I saw Sheikh Makouran and Mohammed Ben Mousa Ettanee, the two principal merchants representing the factions of Weleed and Wezeet, very busy in conversation upon the neutral ground of the market-place, talking over their mutual losses. Both have lost property to a great amount by this Shânbah irruption. 21st. The departure of the ghafalah is deferred to the 24th.

So Sheikh Makouran complained to me he could not now trade without the credit of Silva, so the people told me the house of Ettanee, the other great mercantile firm of this country, had received several thousand dollars' worth of goods on credit from the Messrs.

Formerly Ettanee resided at Tripoli; and I have not the least doubt both these Moors derived this false information from the intolerant and Protestant-hating Romanist priests resident in Tripoli, backed as the falsehoods were by the absence of any English church or worship, although the English Consul very regularly celebrated worship in his family every Sunday, a circumstance which ought to have been known amongst the town population of all religions.

Observed many of the men had their eyelids blackened, like the women, with Kohel , and also their finger-nails and toe-nails dyed dark-red with henna . I confessed I was surprised at this monstrous effeminacy. One of these lady-gentlemen was the son of the powerful Ettanee family; he was brought up to the Church, and of great promise, bidding fair to be future Kady or Archbishop.

Charge of corrupting the Scriptures. Ben Mousa Ettanee. The Bishop of Gibraltar. Continue teaching Geography. Ruin of the Country. Approaching end of the World. Seeing the New Moon. My Taleb disputes about Religion. Movements of Banditti. The small Force by which the Turks hold Tripoli. 28th. HEARD the Shâanbah ‮شعانبة‬ and Touaricks are about to have a set-to.

There may be a little of the spirit of faction in this; for we see often a person unsupported by the one party, because he is supported by the other party. The Rais speaking to me of this family, said: "Wâr, wâr I can do nothing with the Ettanee." These arranged, the old gentleman mounted upon the stone-bench and took his seat, everybody making way for him with the greatest alacrity.

He appears wholly worn out. I gave his little son 20 paras to buy camel's flesh. The old freebooter grinned a ghastly smile. Walking in Ben Weleed quarters, I heard a great to-do, and went to see what it was, when I saw the old chief, Haj Ben Mousa Ettanee, standing over his young truant son, whilst with a thick stick the servant of the schoolmaster was belabouring the feet of the child.