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But the school was removed in 1872 to an airier district at Godalming. Part of the old building is still used as a boys' day school. The word Charterhouse was the English name for a house of Carthusians, a very strict order of monks, whose first house was the Grande Chartreuse in France. Not far from the Charterhouse is Ely Place, with the beautiful old church of St. Ethelreda.

The earliest notice of the See in connection with this spot is in the thirteenth century, when Kirkby, who died in office in 1290, bequeathed to his official successors a messuage and nine cottages in Holborn. A succeeding Bishop, probably William de Luda, built a chapel dedicated to St. Ethelreda, and Hotham, who died in 1336, added a garden, orchard, and vineyard.

And once, when some parish shame was talked of, you never would believe it common, and blamed the Overseer for bringing it to light and vindicated the sex by quoting from Pennant, how St Werberg lived immaculate with her husband Astardus, copying her aunt, the great Ethelreda, who lived for three years with not less purity with her good man Tonberetus, and for twelve with her second husband the pious Prince Egfrid: and the churchwarden left the vestry, lifting up his hands, and saying "Poor gentleman!" and you laughed as if you had never laughed before, when you heard it, and heartily shook him by the hand to convince him you were in your senses; which action he nevertheless put to the credit of the soundness of your heart, and not a bit to that of your head.

Evelyn, writing June 7, 1659, says that he came to see the "foundations now laying for a long streete and buildings on Hatton Garden, designed for a little towne, lately an ample garden." The chapel, dedicated to St. Ethelreda, now alone remains. It was for a time held by a Welsh Episcopalian congregation, but in 1874 was obtained by Roman Catholics, the Welsh congregation passing on to St.

Ethelreda, which member, having been taken from the chapel, after many wanderings, fell into the possession of a convent of nuns, who refused to give it up. Finally judgment was given to the effect that the nuns should retain a portion, while the part of a finger was granted to the church, which was accordingly done. It was this saint who gave rise to our word "tawdry."

You know when Gospatrick fled to Scotland his sons went with him. Ethelreda, his girl, went too, and she is to marry, they say, Duncan, Malcolm's eldest son by Ingebiorg. So Gospatrick will find himself, some day, father-in-law of the King of Scots." "I will warrant him to find his nest well lined, wherever he be. But of yourself?" "I refused to go. I could not face again that bleak black North.