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The first and indispensable requisite of happiness is a clear conscience, unsullied by the reproach or remembrance of an unworthy action. Hic murus aheneus esto, Nil conscire sibi, nulla pallescere culpa.

On December 4, 1867, having framed a constitution and adopted the motto Esto perpetua, they met and constituted themselves the National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry. Saunders was to be Master; Thompson, Lecturer; Ireland, Treasurer; and Kelley, Secretary.

And, above all, because we have the enormous advantage of feeling it natural to be national, because there is nothing else to be. England in these days is not well governed; England is not well educated; England suffers from wealth and poverty that are not well distributed. But England is English; esto perpetua.

At pull yet a little. At he's gulled and esto. At trudgepig. At the torture. At the magatapies. At the handruff. At the horn. At the click. At the flowered or Shrovetide ox. At honours. At the madge-owlet. At pinch without laughing. At tilt at weeky. At prickle me tickle me. At ninepins. At the unshoeing of the ass. At the cock quintin. At the cocksess. At tip and hurl. At hari hohi.

He was thought to hold he alone in England the key of German and other Transcendentalisms; knew the sublime secret of believing by the 'reason' what the 'understanding' had been obliged to fling out as incredible; and could still, after Hume and Voltaire had done their best and worst with him, profess himself an orthodox Christian, and say and print to the Church of England, with its singular old rubrics and surplices at Allhallowtide, Esto perpetua.

We may refer, at least, as an example, to the careful and exact account of the appearance and utility of the Mediterranean lateen-sail which occurs at the beginning of Esto Perpetua, a piece of writing which enchants the reader with its beauty and its practical sense.

X, pp. 200-202: 'Tambien estando escribiendo esto se me ha ofrecido á la memoria que habrá como año y medio que en Salamanca un estudiante licenciado en cánones, que se llamaba el licenciado Poza, que me leia principios de astrología, me dijo un dia que él tenia un cartapacio de cosas curiosas, y que tenia algun escrúpulo si le podia tener; que me rogaba le viese y le dijese si le podia tener, porque si podia se holgaria mucho.

The "Journal Officiel" and special posters will apprise the public of the measures taken in the interest of public order. November 25. Mlle. Lia Felix came to rehearse Sacer Esto, which she will recite to the people on Monday. M. Tony Revillon, who is to make a speech, came to see me with the Gens de Lettres committee.

Falla esoro anglas emoden ebuntar ta diliglas martix yehudas sathan val caraman mendelsonnen lamata yendos nix poliglor opos discobul vanitarok ken laros ma dasta finomallo in salubren to mallomas. Isse on esto opos fi sathan."

Fainter grew the slow breath, and the voice of the monk rolled through the silence, like the tremolo swell of an organ: "Delicta juventutis, et ignorantias ejus, quoesumus, ne memineris, Domine; sed secundum magnam misericordiam tuam memor esto illius in gloria claritatis tuoe."