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Mary Coombe's little gurgle of amusement had a note of cruelty in it, for she alone of all these women had guessed why the Rev. Angus Macnair should have taken Esther's escapade so much to heart. She knew, too, that the minister had no chance, but the idea of a rival was novel and entertaining. Could Esther really have taken a fancy to this young doctor?

That Esther had become sanctuary from his thoughts of Lydia was an ironic fact indeed, enough to make mirth crack its cheeks. But since he was bound to Esther, the more he thought of her the better. He was not consciously comparing them, the child Lydia and the equipped siren, to Esther's harm. Only he knew at last what Esther was. She was Circe on her island.

Then semi-repentance came to him, and he added: "It just rolled out of my p p pocket, and M Mazeppa was passing and h h hit his l-leg on it." "Speak the truth, or I'll thrash you within an inch of your life," the Captain said, standing up, and seizing Esther's whip: "Now then, sir was it you lamed Mazeppa?" "Yes," said Bunty, bursting into a roar of crying, and madly dodging the whip.

Murray. "Do you attend to that and I will look out for the rest. Now wait here a few minutes while I go up and see Esther!" Catherine wished nothing better than to start any where at the shortest notice. She was tired of the long strain on her sympathies and feelings, and was glad to be made useful in a way that pleased her practical mind. Mrs. Murray went up to Esther's room.

She pictured the combination first in one corner of the little parlor, then another, finally in a window where it could be seen, from the road. Esther's standards did not vary greatly from her mother's, but she had a bewildered sense that they were somehow stepping from the beaten track of custom. On one or two points, however, she was firm.

Esther laughed till the tears rolled down her face at the droll effect of these tenderly sentimental verses in Catherine's mouth, but Hazard took it quite seriously and was so much delighted with Catherine's recitation that he insisted on her repeating it to Wharton, who took it even more seriously than he. Hazard knew that the verses were Esther's, and was not disposed to laugh at them.

Solomon and Rachel, irrepressibly excited by the sight of the bread, rushed at it greedily, snatched a loaf from Esther's hand, and tore off a crust each with their fingers. "Heathen," cried the old grandmother. "Washing and benediction." Solomon was used to being called a "heathen" by the Bube.

The delicate brows knit into a frown, the hand on Esther's arm tightened its grip. "Then you don't think that for a man of his age and in his state of health typhoid is is a thing to to be frightened about? You would not be frightened for him?" Esther glanced apprehensively at the bed. "If you don't mind, Lady Clifford, I think we'd better not talk in here.

Debby suffered scarce any pang when her one-night companion transferred herself to Reb Shemuel's. For it was to suggest this that Hannah had called. The idea was her father's; it came to him when she told him of Esther's strange position. But Esther said she was going to America forthwith, and she only consented on condition of being allowed to pay for her keep during her stay.

On reaching their picnic camp, I excused myself, promising to meet them later at the dance, and rode for our ambulance. Tiburcio had supper all ready, and after it was over I called Theodore to one side and repeated Esther's message. Quayle was still doubtful, and I called Miss Jean to my assistance, hoping to convince him that Miss Vaux was not unfriendly towards him.