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Grantly, and a slight, unintended semi-tone of triumph mingled itself with the meekness of that whisper. "And is likely to remain so, from all I hear," said Mrs. Proudie, and the scratched hand was at once drawn back. "Of course the estab ," and then Mrs. Proudie, who was blandly continuing her list of congratulations, whispered her sentence close into the car of Mrs.

Such is Maskat as it exists to-day, a spot which has had a varied history in the past, and the future of which will be equally interesting to those who have any connection with the Persian Gulf. Surveyed by Imam Sharif, Khan Bahadur. to illustrate the explorations of M^r. Stanford's Geog.^l Estab.^t, London

No doubt he then regretted he had not taken the boxes of copper. and surrounding country to illustrate the explorations of Mr. Stanford's Geog.^l Estab.^t, London

5 Furuteya, the estab!ishment of a dea!er in second-hand wares furute. 6 Andon, a paper lantern of peculiar construction, used as a night light. Some forms of the andon are remarkably beautiful. 7 'Ototsan! washi wo shimai ni shitesashita toki mo, chodo kon ya no yona tsuki yo data-ne? Izumo dialect. 1 The Kyoto word is maiko. 2 Guitars of three strings.

Imam Sharif was returning from Zanzibar, and leaving that ship to tranship for India. From a Survey by Imam Sharif, Khan Bahadur. M^r. Stanford's Geog.^l Estab.^t, London After returning from our expedition to the Hadhramout in 1894 we determined the next winter to attempt the ambitious adventure of making a journey overland right across Southern Arabia from Maskat to Aden.

Robert, however, did not spend an entire year in the cave, for certain latrunculi having stolen hys bred, hys chese, hys sustenance, he quitted the grotto doubtless at the approach of winter and estab- lished himself in much more comfortable quarters at Bramham.

We had to take a most circuitous route to reach it, and it was hard to realise that all the banks we wound amongst were fields waiting for rain. Hagheri Ask, our next halt, was even a yet more wretched hamlet about six reed huts, and about as many goats and jackal-like dogs. From a sketch survey by M^r. Stanford's Geog.^l Estab.^t, London Our tents were most unsteadily pitched on sand.

Stanford's Geog.^l Estab.^t, London As we had been unable to penetrate into the Mahri country, though we had attempted it from three sides, we determined to visit the offshoot of the Mahri who dwell on the island of Sokotra.