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Some few remained who were packed in an omnibus. MM. Benoist d'Azy, Falloux, Piscatory, Vatimesail, were locked in the wheeled cells, as also Eugène Sue and Esquiros. The worthy M. Gustave de Beaumont, a great upholder of the cellular system, rode in a cell vehicle. It is not an undesirable thing, as we have said, that the legislator should taste of the law.

Germain, the column was composed almost entirely of men belonging to the majority. At the corner of the Quai d'Orsay they met a group of members of the Left, who had reunited after their exit from the Palace of the Assembly, and who were consulting together. There were the Representatives Esquiros, Marc Dufraisse, Victor Hennequin, Colfavru, and Chamiot.

The name of Kératry would frighten the people as thoroughly as mine would frighten the middle classes." A member of the Right, M. de Keranflech, came up, and intending to support the objection, added, "And then, think of Kératry's age. It is madness to pit a man of eighty against this hour of danger." But Esquiros exclaimed, "That is a bad reason! Eighty years! They constitute a force."

The paper announcing war was followed by prolonged applause. Esquiros, the Republican, cried from his seat, in momentous words, "You have a light heart, and the blood of nations is about to flow!"

Hochstuhl. Pierre-Charles Gambon. Michot Boutet. Charles Lagrange. Baune. Martin Nadaud. Bertholon. Barthélemy Terrier. Schoelcher. Victor Hugo. De Flotte. Cassal. Joigneaux. Signard. Laboulaye. Viguier. Bruys. Esquiros. Gaston Dussoubs. Madier de Montjau. Guiter. Noël Parfait. Lafon. Emile Péan. Lamarque. Pelletier. Pierre Lafranc. Raspail. Jules Leroux. Théodore Bac. Francisque Maigne. Bancel.

Meanwhile the portress, hearing all these trampling steps beneath her doorway, had become wide awake, had lighted her lamp, and we could see her in her lodge, her face pressed against the window, gazing with alarm at sixty dark phantoms, motionless, and standing in her courtyard. Esquiros addressed her: "Is this really M. Cournet's house?" said he.

From an article by A. Esquiros, in the Revue des Deux Mondes for Sept. 1, 1864, entitled, La vie Anglaise, p. 110, it appears that such occurrences as that stated in the note have been not unfrequent on the British coast. Are the birds thus attracted by new lights, flocks in migration?