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Extensive and recognised systems of espionage exist among merchants; and nearly every man connected with the press has enlisted himself as a sort of spy in the interests of politics many, in those of other concerns, also.

Eight days after this they were both at work, spelling each other, and then going off in company for a brief turn at feeding. So far they had never manifested the least annoyance at my espionage; but the next morning, as I stood against the tree, one of them seemed slightly disturbed, and flew from twig to twig about my head, looking at me from all directions with his shining black eyes.

She did not learn, therefore, that the tall and handsome man who had so curiously stared at them was the Exalted Personage; she did not learn why it had been that from him Kreutzer had fled swiftly with her, obviously worrying intensely lest they might be followed. She did not know why, later, she was in closer espionage than ever.

Are you through with this examination have you any more questions to ask?" "That tone that look, Elizabeth; you are not like yourself!" "No wonder blame yourself for it. I cannot and will not endure this system of espionage I will have my liberty that you may understand!" Mellen's passionate temper flamed up in his face, but he controlled it resolutely and did not speak.

Whereupon the judge sentenced Eugene Debs to ten years in the West Virginia Penitentiary the penitentiary at Atlanta being too crowded to receive him. An appeal was taken to the Supreme Court of the United States and was argued on the ground that the Espionage Act was unconstitutional. No act was charged against Debs, except the Canton speech.

Knowing the spirit of official life better than any one, he well knew that it would never pardon, any more than a school or the galleys or the army pardon, what looked like espionage or tale-bearing. A man capable of informing against his comrades is disgraced, dishonored, despised; the ministers in such a case would disavow their own agents.

To you it may seem that my conviction was the result of an overwrought imagination, or to the actual reality of the prying eyes of the little monkeys or the curious ones of the birds; but there is a difference which I cannot explain between the sensation of casual observation and studied espionage.

For an instant I was tempted to attack him, when I realized that his presence on the stairs and his interruption of my pursuit of the redheaded man were significant of more than an accident, and that Meeker and the other were spying upon me. I bridled my ire, and decided to play the game out with them and fathom the mystery of their espionage.

MADELINE: Why are you so pleased about this, Emil? EMIL: Pleased? It's nothin' to me I'm just telling you. Guess you don't know much about the Espionage Act or you'd go and make a little friendly call on your uncle. But if your uncle was to tell the right parties that you're just a girl, and didn't realize what you were saying

Here in France we may employ spies, but no one would touch one of them unless with a pair of pincers, while in that country espionage is considered a highly honorable career and an extremely meritorious manner of serving the state.