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"Your taunts maybe spared, sir; fortune favored you then, we allow; but now we arrest you as a spy." "Espion!" repeated Raoul, starting; "that is an office I never contemplated, Monsieur, on coming on board your ship. You will do me the justice to acknowledge that it was only at your own invitation that I came on deck. 'Twould be an infamy to pretend differently."

I rose, saluted them, and in my Anglo-French wished them good evening. They returned my greeting and sat down, conversing in an undertone, with an occasional side-flung glance at me. I saw that my attack would have to be pushed home, especially as I caught the word "espion," or my fevered imagination made me think I did.

Monsieur insults a French gentleman. I am no spy." "Was it not the work of a spy to bring that French sloop here to ravage my place and steal the ore that had been smelted down?" "True, saire, it vas bad; but ze espion was your own countrymen, saire. Ze Capitaine Gualtiere does no do such not you calls dirty vorks as zat." "Jonas Uggleston! It was he, then?" cried my father.

On the 23rd of August following, the squadron, now consisting of six frigates, which had sailed from Falmouth on the 7th, chased the French frigate Volontaire, and the corvettes Alerte and Espion, into the Bay of Audierne, a large bay immediately to the southward of Brest, having the promontory at the south entrance of that harbour, the Bec du Raz, for its northern, and Penmarck Point for its southern extremity.

We had no food of any kind left, but after all we did not anticipate much serious evil from a forced fast of forty-eight hours; so, after rewarding our wanderer for his very seasonable warning, we struck off to cross the Espion Pass.

The other Americans exchanged looks, and Elliott tried to check Clifford's folly before it was too late. "Espion!" muttered the Frenchman, adding, a little louder, "Sale Allemand!" Gethryn looked up startled. "Keep cool," whispered Thaxton; "if they think we're Germans we're done for." Carleton glanced nervously about. "How they stare," he whispered.

Their leader rose with some solemnity, and taking off his cap, to give the ceremonial a more authentic aspect, declared me to have forfeited the right to live, by acting the part of an espion, and ordered me to be shot in "front of the leading battalion of the army of vengeance." The decree was so unexpected, that for the instant I felt absolutely paralyzed.

"One trivial point seems to have escaped you, Master Attorney, or your courage is more than I gave you credit for. The English are none too popular in Paris as yet, and this is not the most scrupulous quarter. One blast of this whistle, a cry of 'Espion Anglais! and two Englishmen " "Say three," Mr. Romaine interrupted, and strode to the door. "Will Mr.

One facetious French sentry insisted on talking English and flashing his lantern into the back of the ambulance, saying, "But I will see the face of each Mees for fear of an espion." He did so, murmuring "jolie pas mal chic," etc.! He finally left us, saying: "I am an officer. Well, ladies, good-bye all!"

All my instincts made me hope for the escape of the poor beast, vermin though it might be. One day as I was sitting in the Cafe Napolitain on one of my brief excursions to Paris from the turmoil in the wake of war, I heard shouts and saw a crowd of people rushing towards a motor-car coming down the Boulevard des Italiens. One word was repeated with a long-drawn sibilance: "Espion! Espion!"