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As we passed the superb white buildings of the University of Esperando, I saw at an open window the gleaming spectacles and bald head of Herr Bergowitz, professor of the natural sciences and friend of Don Rafael and of me and of the cause. He waved his hand to me, with his broad, bland smile. "There was no excitement apparent in Aguas Frias.

Moored at a fruit company's pier I had a 500-ton steamer ready to sail the next day with a cargo of sugar, lumber, and corrugated iron for a port in well, let us call the country Esperando it has not been long ago, and the name of Patricio Maloné is still spoken there when its unsettled politics are discussed. Beneath the sugar and iron were packed a thousand Winchester rifles.

We fired no shots, blank or solid, for of all coasts Esperando is the stillest; and we had no desire to sound any warnings in the ear of that corrupt government until they should carry with them the message of Liberty and the downfall of Oppression. "In the afternoon came a mule-rider bearing a written message to me from Don Rafael Valdevia in the capital, Aguas Frias.

"Whenever that man's name comes to my lips, words of tribute to his greatness, his noble simplicity, and his conspicuous genius follow irrepressibly. He was a traveller, a student of peoples and governments, a master of sciences, a poet, an orator, a leader, a soldier, a critic of the world's campaigns and the idol of the people in Esperando. I had been honoured by his friendship for years.

Bad luck may be like any other visitor preferring to stop where it is expected. Get your mind off stars. Look upon Esperando as your planet of good fortune. "'I thank you, Captain, said Kearny quietly. 'I will try to make it the best handicap I ever ran. "By noon the next day the submerged Gatling was rescued, as Kearny had promised.

It was I who first turned his mind to the thought that he should leave for his monument a new Esperando a country freed from the rule of unscrupulous tyrants, and a people made happy and prosperous by wise and impartial legislation. When he had consented he threw himself into the cause with the undivided zeal with which he endowed all of his acts.

Get busy and sink the ship, you one-eyed banshee. Phoebe! H'm! Sounds as mild as a milkmaid. You can't judge a woman by her name. Why couldn't I have had a man star? I can't make the remarks to Phoebe that I could to a man. Oh, Phoebe, you be blasted! "For eight days gales and squalls and waterspouts beat us from our course. Five days only should have landed us in Esperando.

They make but a faint clamour against the din of great nations' battles; but down there, under all the ridiculous uniforms and petty diplomacy and senseless countermarching and intrigue, are to be found statesmen and patriots. Don Rafael Valdevia was one. His great ambition was to raise Esperando into peace and honest prosperity and the respect of the serious nations.

"I reassured Kearny as well as I could. I told him that for the time we would banish both astrology and astronomy from our heads. The manifest valour and enthusiasm of the man drew me. 'Let us see what a little courage and diligence will do against bad luck, I said. 'We will sail to-morrow for Esperando. "Fifty miles down the Mississippi our steamer broke her rudder.

Then our whistle gave a little toot, and in five minutes we heard a shout, and Carlos my brave Carlos Quintana crashed through the tangled vines waving his cap madly for joy. "A hundred yards away was his camp, where three hundred chosen patriots of Esperando were awaiting our coming.