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"Tush! tush!" said the Provost Marshal, in reply, "he is a rank heretic and necromancer a whole college of priests could not absolve him from the doom he has deserved. Besides, if he hath a fancy that way, thou hast a gift, Trois Eschelles, to serve him for ghostly father thyself.

This is a hopeful, sunny-minded fellow, with whose aspirations, did our conscience permit us, we should be thoroughly delighted to concur. These writers may be taken as examples of two numerous classes. They are, in fact, the Trois Eschelles' and Petit Andrés of the railroads.

In our country at home he has not been accustomed to see such active proceedings as yours and your master's." "Not for want of need of them, Signior Archer," said Petit Andre, who returned at this moment. "Stand fast, Trois Eschelles, for here comes the Provost Marshal; we shall presently see how he will relish having his work taken out of his hand before it is finished."

The news had already reached the Eschelles, and Carmen, Margaret said, had written to the new earl a most pious note, which contained no allusion to his change of fortune, except an expression of sympathy with his now enlarged opportunity for carrying on his philanthropic plans a most unworldly note.

"Interfered," answered Trois Eschelles, with some earnestness, "to take down the dead body of a criminal, when the fleur de lys was marked on the tree where he was hung with my own proper hand." "How is this, young man?" said the Archer; "how came you to have committed such an offence?" "As I desire your protection," answered Durward, "I will tell you the truth as if I were at confession.

Thus was Hayraddin Maugrabin, who, surrendered by the Duke's officers to the King's Provost Marshal, was by him placed in the hands of his two trusty aides de camp, Trois Eschelles and Petit Andre, to be dispatched without loss of time. Cf.

Durward, as well as the Ladies of Croye, had recognised in this man's dress and appearance the habit and the manners of those vagrants with whom he had nearly been confounded by the hasty proceedings of Trois Eschelles and Petit Andre, and he, too, entertained very natural apprehensions concerning the risk of reposing trust in one of that vagrant race.

On the other hand, the proposed alliance was no fall in dignity or family to the English house. The heiress was the direct descendant of the Eschelles, an old French family, distinguished in camp and court in the glorious days of the Grand Monarch. Probably no man ever wrote and published a book, a magazine story, or a bit of verse without an instant decision to repeat the experiment.

"frustrate of his will, not half sufficed, and greedy yet to kill" while the background was filled up by the ghastly, hypocritical countenance of Trois Eschelles whose eyes were cast up towards Heaven, as if he was internally saying his devotions and the grim drollery of Petit Andre, who amused himself with mimicking the gestures and wry faces of his comrade before he betook himself to sleep.

He could not remember that he had spoken of it to any one except the Eschelles, to whom his relations made the communication a necessity, and he suspected Carmen, without, however, guessing that she was a habitual purveyor of the town gossiper. "It is a shameful impertinence," she burst out, introducing the subject herself, when he called to see her. "I would horsewhip the editor."