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Müntz has lately pointed out, this same interlaced ornament, or vinci, in which the Belgian professor, M. Errera, sees a play upon the great painter's name, forms the motive of the famous circular engravings bearing the words "Academia Leonardi Vinci," which have given rise to so many conjectures as to the existence of that mysterious institution.

Two excellent histories of the period of discovery are O. F. Peschel, Geschichte des Zeitalters der Entdeckungen , and Sophus Ruge, Geschichte des Zeitalters der Entdeckungen . More recent works are S. Gunther, Das Zeitalter der Entdeckungen , and Carlo Errera, L'Epoca delle Grandi Scoperti Geografiche .

As a matter of fact we do not yet know how to construct living cells; the forms obtained with mineral substances by Errera, Stephane Leduc, and others, have only a remote resemblance to those of life; neither do we know how to prevent death; but yet it is interesting to know that it is possible to prolong for some time the life of organs, tissues, and cells after they have been removed from the organism.

"A H. V. il cedera; De S. C. l. d. partira; Eh nauf errera, Decide a Gorix. Dutocq. "What a tissue of absurdities! How can the King cede his crown to Henry V., who, according to your nonsense, must be his grandson, when Monseigneur le Dauphin is living. Are you prophesying the Dauphin's death?" Bixiou. "What's Gorix, pray? the name of a cat?" Bixiou. "Tyrol, the Basque provinces, or South America.