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But I seed 'em gittin' ready fur dinner as I comed erlong, an' you chil'en better be er gittin' toerds de table." That was enough for the little folks, and they hurried back to the creek. The table was formed by driving posts into the ground, and laying planks across them, and had been fixed up the day before by some of the men.

"Reckon I'd better be joggin' erlong toward Old Ti, heh, Colonel?" remarked the ranger, leaning an elbow on the pommel of the saddle. "You had, 'Siah, you had. We can depend upon you, and those red-coated rascals there must be kept unsuspicious and their fears if they have any lulled to sleep.

"Naow, Cap'n Abe, yew needn't git narvous. We 're as harmless as doves. Run right erlong. Yew won't see anybody ter-night. Don't say a word. It's all right. Sssh! Shoo!" And then, lo! he was not in the County Almshouse, but in a beautiful bright bedchamber with a wreath of immortelles over the mantel, alone with Angy.

"An' wid dat de Jay went out, an' lef' de po' Woodpecker er lyin' dar; an' by'mby Miss Robin come erlong; an' wen she seed de Woodpecker, she axt 'im 'wat's he doin' down dar on de groun'? an' atter he up an' tol' her, an' tol' her how de Jay Bird wuz er grin'in' his ax fur ter chop offn his head, den de robin she sot to an' try ter lif' de stick offn him.

Then come erlong a big wind and started the blaze to the surface." "Oh!" murmured Nan, much interested. "Didn't my Uncle Henry live there then?" "I sh'd say he did," returned Toby, emphatically. "Didn't he never tell ye about it?" "No, sir. They never speak of Pale Lick." "Well, I won't, nuther," grunted old Toby. "'Taint pretty for a young gal like you to hear about. Whush! Thar goes a loon!"

Dem de brass lamp came erlong hit war a little lamp wid a wich wid a handle in er stem, no burner or nuthin hit burned coaloil but had no chimney." "Hee, Hee, Hee, I remember arbout a story Mary Beard told ter me erbout a slave woman dat war foolish. Her Massa couldn't git no body ter buy her, hee, hee, hee, so he dresses her up nice en buys her a thimble en gives her a piece of cloth ter sew on.

To which the grocer made answer as he turned to his task of dusting the shelves: "There's lots of work in Boyd City and lots of men to do it." The stranger had walked but a little way down the street when a voice close behind him said, "I'm erbliged ter ye for the feed, pard; reckon I'll shove erlong now."

Stella understood him and agreed with him. Soon they were ready to start for the ball. The carriage was got out and Carl volunteered to drive the horses, while the other boys rode. Just as they were about to start Stella cried: "Where is Jack Slate? I don't see him. Isn't he coming to the ball?" "Haven't saw him," said Bud. "I reckon he'll be moseyin' erlong after a while. We won't wait fer him.

But the way it is they'll never agree on nuthin', 'cept how to git away. 'T ain't likely they ever meant ter kill the Major, 'er take the girl erlong. Them things just naturally happened, an' now they 're scared stiff. It 'll take a day er two for 'em to make up their minds what to do." "What do you imagine they will decide, Sam?" "Wall, thet 's all guesswork.

"An' he jes clum up de side uv de den, he did; an' soon's uber his feet tech de yeath, he sez ter de king, sezee, 'King, hit ain't no usen fur yer ter fool erlong o' me, sezee; 'I'm er prayin' man mysef, an I 'low ter live an' die on my knees er prayin' an' er sarvin' de Lord. Sezee, 'De Lord ain't gwine let de lions meddle long o' me, sezee; 'I ain't fyeard o' nufn, sezee.