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"H'm, not much wrong with him," he reflected. "Wouldn't mind a taste of that life myself. Up early, work all over by eleven o'clock, nothing to do but loaf about all day until milking time." Which he knew was an exaggeration, but he wanted to pity himself. The maid opened the door, and stood aside for Doctor Erb. Andreas wheeled round; the two men shook hands.

He saw Doctor Erb come into the room; the room seemed to change into a great glass bowl that spun round, and Doctor Erb seemed to swim through this glass bowl towards him, like a goldfish in a pearl-coloured waistcoat. "My beloved wife has passed away!" He wanted to shout it out before the doctor spoke. "Well, she's hooked a boy this time!" said Doctor Erb. Andreas staggered forward. "Look out.

There were other signs of prosperity: photographs of the relations of 'Erb and his wife in Sunday clothes; on the chimney-piece an elaborate arrangement of shells stuck on a miniature rock; and on each side mugs, 'A present from Southend' in Gothic letters, with pictures of a pier and a parade on them.

On this occasion 'Erb Redmayne seemed to have inveigled the Master, whose part was taken by Jack, to a race-meeting, to be introducing him to the Most unsatisfactory company, to force him to put money on certain horses, to evade the payment of debts incurred, to be detected in the act of absconding, and to leave the unfortunate Master to bear the brunt of public indignation.

'Erb was sobbing now, as noiselessly as he could, terrified at his mother's face, and Jimmie was up, standing on the floor in his flannel shirt, listening like his mother. Maggie still slept deeply on the further side of the bed. The woman went on tip-toe a step nearer the door, opened it, and peeped out irresolutely.

But Dick saw, and gathered from that one flash of the eye that this was Pépe's "Hebérto, the London man," and that 'Erb was not even yet sure whether this was or was not the wild man who had leapt upon him from the stairs in the hall at "The Myrtles," eight or nine hours ago.

The puffs of steamy gas had become a fog through which they groped their way slowly, following a trace of path along the base of the cliff. Time did not exist in the underworld of Erb. Varta did not know whether it was still today, or whether she had passed into tomorrow when they came to a cross roads. She felt Lur press against her, forcing her back against a rock.

He had become, it seemed, a man of low and degrading tastes 'Erb Redmayne, he was called, or old 'Erb, whose role was to lead the other authorities of the college into all kinds of disreputable haunts, to prompt them to absurd misdeeds, to take advantage of their ingenuousness, to make scapegoats of them, and to adroitly evade justice himself.

"I can't have them messing about on the table till dinner!" "Don't be hard on the girl," coaxed Doctor Erb. "She's got twice the work to do to-day." At that Binzer's anger blazed out. "I'll trouble you, Doctor, not to interfere between me and my servants!" And he felt a fool at the same moment for not saying "servant." Doctor Erb was not perturbed.

I hopped off with speed, but all the same we were not a whit discouraged, which seemed to disappoint him. As Gutsie and I stumbled and rolled over 4.2's and hand grenades I quoted to her from the "Fuse-top collectors" "You can generally 'ear 'em fizzin' a bit if they're going to go 'orf, 'Erb!" by way of encouragement.