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A picture of the interruptions to which Erasmus was exposed is given in a preface written in Froben's name for the new edition of Erasmus' Epigrammata combined with More's and with the Utopia, March 1518. 'Most of these verses' Froben is made to say 'were written not for publication, but to give pleasure to friends; to whom he is always very obliging.

Josse Badius printed all Erasmus offered him: the translations of Euripides and Lucian, a collection of Epigrammata, a new but still unaltered edition of the Adagia. In August the journey was continued. As he rode on horseback along the Alpine roads the most important poem Erasmus has written, the echo of an abandoned pursuit, originated.

No further claim is made for this present translation of the Decades than fidelity and lucidity. Its purpose is to render more easily accessible to English readers, unfamiliar with the original Latin, the earliest historical work on the New World. Legatio Babylonica, Oceani Decas, Poemata, Epigrammata. Cum privilegio.

See ante, ii. 227. 'Fortunam reverenter habe, quicumque repente Dives ab exili progrediere loco. Ausonius, Epigrammata, viii. 7. A lively account of Quin is given in Humphry Clinker, in the letters of April 30 and May 6. See ante, i. 216. A few days earlier Garrick wrote to a friend: 'I did not hear till last night that your friends have generously contributed to your and their own happiness.

He found the work easy, except epigram-writing, which he thought "excessively stupid and laborious," but helped himself out, when scholarship failed, with native wit. Some of his exercises remain, not very brilliant Latinity; some he saucily evaded, thus: "Subject: Non sapere maximum est malum. "Non sapere est grave; sed, cum dura epigrammata oportet Scribere, tunc sentis præcipue esse malum."