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She got her face and hands smudged and her hair tumbled, and she forgot all about enunciating clearly and holding her poses. So abandoned was she to what Harold called her "bourgeois mood" that she was conscious of nothing but the sheer joy of living. Often when she and Quin were alone together, she longed to take him into her confidence.

Or it may have been invented and adopted as the medium of enunciating a particular thought, or of inculcating a certain doctrine, when it becomes a philosophical myth.

So perennially does this group flourish, and so shrill-voiced are its members in self-advertisement, that it is useless for other poets to present their case, till the claims of the ostentatiously wicked are heard. One is inclined, perhaps, to dismiss them as pseudo-poets, whose only chance at notoriety is through enunciating paradoxes.

Henry George, whose statistical knowledge was a blank, had contented himself with enunciating the vague doctrine that in all modern countries the United States, for example, and more especially the United Kingdom every increase of wealth was in the form of rent, appropriated by the owners of the soil, most of whom were millionaires already, or were very quickly becoming so.

That man was qualified for a stewardship under a king. 'Would it be of any use if Edward Springrove were to answer it? she said, resolutely enunciating the name. 'None whatever, replied Miss Aldclyffe, again in the same decided tone. 'You are very unkind to speak in that way. 'Now don't pout like a goosie, as you are.

From a window opening upon a balcony overhead came the clear notes of a barytone voice enunciating the oldfashioned words of an English ballad, the refrain of which expressed hopeless separation.

This speech he delivered slowly and calmly, as though enunciating a very grave proposition. 'What new nonsense is this? Don't you think health worth something? 'Next to life, unquestionably; but one condition of health is to be alive, and I don't see how to manage that.

And without waiting for an answer she drew the bridle over her arm and tramped indignantly off to the stable. Mrs. Ivy sighed, then turned to join Mr. Gooch who had just come out on the porch. "Has it ever occurred to you," she said as if enunciating a hitherto unuttered truth, "how reluctant youth is to learn of age?

Therein will be found a pretty full statement of my reasons for enunciating two propositions: that "when we turn to the higher Vertebrata, the results of recent investigations, however we may sift and criticise them, seem to me to leave a clear balance in favour of the evolution of living forms one from another;" and that the case of the horse is one which "will stand rigorous criticism."

"It means, sir, that I shall take back Cosette." Cosette shuddered, and pressed close to the old man. He replied, gazing to the very bottom of Thenardier's eyes the while, and enunciating every syllable distinctly: "You are go-ing to take back Co-sette?" "Yes, sir, I am. I will tell you; I have considered the matter. In fact, I have not the right to give her to you.