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About midway, festooned with vines, was the pool I had hoped to find, of quite good size and cool. It, like the other that had entranced me, nourished a few stalks of iris, but there was no "bonnet" or other place on its closely cropped bank for the wily moccasin. "My private bath," I declared, feeling at this sundown hour the call strong within me. Smilax had remained behind.

One day a splendidly dressed stranger chanced to enter the Lemesh church during Mass none other than Colonel Vishnevsky, a great Court official, who was on his way back to Moscow from a diplomatic mission; and he listened entranced to a voice sweeter than any he had ever heard.

Neither did they notice that a long, oppressive silence had fallen on them, that the lamp was burning low, and the room darkening. At last Heimert drew out his watch. "It's time to go to bed," he said; "we've got to get up to-morrow morning." Heppner and Albina awoke suddenly from their entranced condition, and the sergeant-major hastened to say good night. Quickly Albina prepared for bed.

Wilkie was in excellent spirits, as was also the dowager, her mother-in-law, and after the dejeuner they wept together and kissed each other at parting as if they were blood relations. Mrs. Collins was not so much affected; she was so much entranced at the rich prize she had secured for her daughter that grief was altogether out of the question.

He had been entranced and confident or entranced and apprehensive according' to the time. A man focussed upon astronomy, the pig market or social progression, may nevertheless have a secondary mind which hovers like a spirit over his dahlia tubers and dreams upon the mystery of their slow and tender revelations.

He smiled and spoke with a joy of soul, a transparency of innocence, a rapture of love, that made his ugliness positively endearing even apart from the entranced recognition they radiated. "Ladies at home? Yassuh," he said, with an ecstasy as if he announced the world's war suddenly over, all oceans safe, all peoples free.

Instead, he began to tell her fascinating stories of far lands he had visited, and strange things he had seen. Rachel listened entranced, as if she were hearkening to a fairy tale. Yes, he was just as she had dreamed him. She had always been sure he could tell beautiful stories. "Come up to the house and I'll show you some pretty things," he said finally. Then followed a wonderful hour.

He stepped to meet her, and then bent and kissed the hand she extended toward him, with all the grace of the old régime; and Seymour coming upon them was entranced with the picture. He too had changed his attire, and now was clad in the becoming dress of a naval lieutenant of the period.

Especially on leaving the water are the defects revealed, although water is a powerful aid to flabby skin. "The first time that I saw this young woman in the water, I was delighted, entranced. She stood the test well. There are faces whose charms appeal to you at first glance and delight you instantly. You seem to have found the woman whom you were born to love. I had that feeling and that shock.

Connoisseurs felt that they were listening to an artist and not an amateur; plain men and women, and the children, knew simply that they were enjoying music that entranced them, that set their nerves thrilling and vibrating. Madge hoped only that her voice might penetrate the barriers between herself and one man's heart. She did not desire to sing on the present occasion.