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'I've the piece mother put up, mebbe it's big enou' for we two. 'But I could not think of taking your luncheon, he exclaimed, with a gallantry that was meant to be impressive, but was quite lost on his practical companion. She proceeded to open her parcel and examine the contents to see whether or not there was enough for two.

Whence thou may'st bud, and whence thou may'st blow, Whence thou may'st bear apples enou'; Hats full, caps full, Bushels full, sacks full. Hurrah, then! Hurrah, then! Here's to thee, good apple-tree!" They waited a little to watch the procession round the orchard; and as they stood, Julius advanced from an opposite direction.

"There be only seventeen of us here now," said he at last. "Brinton and Lambourne are away to Roby Castle in Lord George's train, and will not be back till Saturday next. And Watt Newton is in the infirmary. "Seventeen be'st enou," said Myles, grimly. "Let us get together this afternoon, such as may, in the Brutus Tower, for I, as I did say, will no longer suffer these vile bachelors."

In this distress we would have hired a guide, but none of the country people would go with us, for the Roundheads would hang them, they said, when they came there. Upon this I called a fellow to me, "Hark ye, friend," says I, "dost thee know the way so as to bring us into Westmoreland, and not keep the great road from York?" "Ay, merry," says he, "I ken the ways weel enou!"

Shiver and blazes! haven't ye with your palaver and devilry worked harm enou' aboard our ship, but ye want me to be pickled up, or swing from the yard-arm! No, no, master; I'll keep off such a lee-shore. I've no objections in life to a any thing but ye'r informations.

There'll be no occasion to run down quite as far as Captain Cuffe suggested, ye'll obsairve; for, if in the bay, the lugger will work her way up toward this headland, and we'll be all the more likely to fall in with her, by keeping near it ourselves. Ye'll take the idea?" "It's plain enou', Captain Lyon; and I'll be obsairving it. How is the law understood as respects dairkness?