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"Not much!" I answered, decidedly. "I should be poor company on a pleasure trip like that. But you might go, Hephzy. There is no reason in the world why you shouldn't go. I'll stay here until you return. Go, by all means, and enjoy yourself." Hephzy shook her head. "I'd do a lot of enjoyin' without you, wouldn't I," she observed.

Ain't you never going to learn that a man must gamble a bit on the cards still waiting to be dealt?" And again, confidently: "He's worried of course he is! He ain't enjoyin' his meditations a little bit these days, but he's enjoyin' 'em more all by himself than he would be if we were up there with him, forcin' him to look everlastingly like four aces, when it's deuces at present he's holding.

And when there wuz so many of 'em and she enjoyin' real poor health, I spoze she sometimes thought more of her own achin' back than she did of the good of the Govermunt and she would git kinder discouraged sometimes and be cross to him. And knowin' his own motives wuz so high and loyal, he felt that he ort to whip her, so he did.

Keep him in a glass case? 'Oh no; he always lives with me, and comes with me everywheres. Bobby looked up at the umbrella-mender with serious alarm in his eyes. 'Then this here broken body be of no manner of use. You leave him with me and I'll give him a good stout stick, and he'll be better'n new. 'You won't hurt him doing it? 'Bless your heart, he be proper enjoyin' the thought of it.

"I stove it off until this mornin'. I'd been doin' fust rate too, goin' to picture shows reg'lar, takin' in the sights, and tryin' to make myself believe I was enjoyin' all the luxuries and refinements of life, like Cap'n Bill said I ought to. But when I woke up at daylight and heard this nor'easter snortin' through the streets I couldn't stand it a mite longer.

Louie didn't look as though he was enjoyin' it any too much, for all his furs. I was just turnin' up my collar for a dash across the sidewalk and back, when out comes Lady Mildred in a raincoat that was a dream and carryin' a silver-handled umbrella such as you don't find on the bargain counters. And then I gets my funny thought.

"I kin see you growin'," he said. "Growing?" "Yes, growin', you're eatin' so much, you're enjoyin' it so much, an' you're digestin' it so fast. You are already taller than you was when you set, an' you're broader 'cross the chest. No, 'tain't wuth while to 'pologize. You've got a right to be hungry, an' you mustn't forget Ma's cookin' either. She's never had her beat in all these mountains."

But never a one, I'll bet, that looked like such a hopeless starter. He seemed to be enjoyin' it as much as any, though. And afterwards, when the other four settles themselves around the card table for the usual three rubbers, blamed if Dudley don't have the nerve to tow Veronica into the next room, stretchin' on tiptoe to talk earnest in her ear. I could guess what it was all about.

Now here are you and me, back here to settle down after roamin' the wide world over; jest got our feet placed, as you might say, and new married to good wimmen and because we're a little forehanded and independent, and seem to be enjoyin' life, every one is all ready to believe the worst about us on general principles.

"I got my own way of enjoyin' myself, an' I don't care what people think," she declared, with some heat. "Quite right. It's none of their darned business, Ma." "She thinks I'm kind of crazy an' I guess I am. But it comes from livin' so long in the heat an' the drought an' allus wantin' things I couldn't have allus bein' sort of thirsty in the head.