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The very steadiness of the Major's tone told Barney that this experienced man of the North expected the worst. As they rushed down the white expanse, many thoughts raced through Barney's mind. It seemed that hunger and cold grew upon him with every whirl of the engine-shaft. He thought of Bruce and La Vaune. Would they ever return to La Vaune with the money which was rightfully hers? And Timmie?

The screw propeller is 24 feet in diameter and 37 feet pitch; and the engine-shaft is 160 feet long, or 12 feet longer than the height of the Duke of York's Column. The paddles and screw, when working together at their highest pitch, exert a force equal to 11,500 horsepower, which is sufficient to drive all the cotton-mills in Manchester!

These wires are connected with the brushes of a commutator, K, on the engine-shaft, which commutator is in electrical connection with the poles of a battery, dynamo-electric machine, or other source of electricity. Instead of two wires to produce a spark, a single wire may be arranged to become incandescent at the proper time for ignition.

From this vessel pipes lead to two cocks, one for each cylinder; these corks being caused to revolve in time with the engine-shaft by a chain, M, communicating motion from a wheel on the engine shaft to a chain-wheel of equal size on the spindle of the two cocks.

Then, descending, he groped his way in the dark over the very spot where his father and brother lay dead fearfully mutilated and covered with rubbish and escaped up the shaft. In a still lower level two brothers were at work. Miners usually work in couples sometimes in larger numbers and brothers frequently go together. They were in a winze about thirty fathoms from the engine-shaft.