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The half light betrayed the fugitive, and the pursuit was begun. “Slowly, very slowly, the monitor gained. It would be a long chase. Men in the engine-room toiled like galley-slaves under the whip. There was prize-money to be gained. The Guido fled fast. Every light aboard her was hid. “Reluctantly the pursuer aimed a 6-pounder.

"Certainly no harm has been done, Sampson; but it is yet to be decided whether or not the Bellevite is to go into the navy of the United States or the navy of the Confederate States," added Christy, leaving the engine-room.

"I suppose it is quite easy to leave by the way we came in through the engine-room?" "One moment, monsieur, one moment! Before showing you out I must put Number 4 back with his other companions. There is no fear of his being lonely, poor man! We had five brought in this morning." They had not long to wait before the concierge joined them again.

"Keep calm, ladies!" the skipper sang out at intervals between his orders to the seamen and firemen, whom the incessant sounding of the engine-room gong had brought up from below. "Keep cool; there's no danger, I tell you!"

Since from the first, Dorothy had timed her waking hours with those of Seaton waiting upon him, preparing his meals, and lightening the long hours of his vigils at the board Margaret took it upon herself to do the same thing for Crane. But often they assembled in the engine-room, and there was much fun and laughter, as well as serious talk, among the four.

The old seaman laughed and moved off again to his telegraphs. The business of running in to the quayside was beginning in earnest. The hawsers creaked and strained at the bollards. The vessel yawed. Then she settled at her berth. The engine-room telegraph chimed its final order, and the vessel's busy heart came to rest.

He had still something to say, and, looking first into the black cavern, which we had filled with shot, and then down the stairs towards the engine-room, he went on presently: "You take a big risk and I hope you'll get out of it. How many do you expect to find below? "One," said I, quickly, "and he a friend. It's a strange story, captain, and wonderful, too. But it will wait."

He sent three to the fire-room, three to the engine-room, one here, another there, himself took the wheel, and with his signal quartermaster acting as a sort of officer of the deck, set out to find the oil dock. He had never seen that harbor before that night, but he sheered close in to every ship's anchor light he saw and hailed for the course to the oil dock.

He signalled again to the engine-room, and with the united aid of her planes and fan-wheels the Ariel mounted up and up into the sky, driven only by the stern-propeller and with the force of the other engines concentrated on the lifting wheels, until a height of five thousand feet was reached.

Her skipper made no complaint of hard times, and port officers observed that her crew signed and signed again with the regularity of Atlantic liner boatswains. Her name she changed as occasion called; her well-paid crew never; and a large percentage of the profits of her voyages was spent with an open hand on her engine-room.