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"I envy you, living alone and having your own things" and engaged in this exalted way, which had no recognition or engagement-ring, she added in her own mind. Mary's lips parted slightly. She could not conceive in what respects Katharine, who spoke sincerely, could envy her. "I don't think you've got any reason to envy me," she said.

One of her maternal aunts made her a coming-out tea, after she left school; and she entered upon a series of dinners, dances, theatre parties, and receptions of all kinds; but the tide of fairy gold pouring through her fingers left no engagement-ring on them.

The color which makes rich and poor alike. Athalie and Timéa were dressed alike in black. And if the mourning had consisted only in the wearing of its outward garb! But with the sudden death of Herr Athanas, all the birds of ill omen had collected, as the ravens come and sit in long lines on the roof before a great storm. The first croak was, that the bridegroom sent back his engagement-ring.

Then the cast-iron truisms of ancient experience were false after all, and it was possible to find one childish soul strong enough to reject the dazzling allurements of wealth, even when it had only to stretch out its hand and find power at the tips of its fingers along with an engagement-ring!

Moreover, her hair was beautifully arranged under the shawl, and her hands though she had had the sense to discard her ruby and sapphire engagement-ring were too white and her face was too clean to lend conviction to her impersonation.

Suddenly he remembered, with a kind of shock, that he had pledged himself to go up to London the next day to buy an engagement-ring. So after all the manicurist's defection did not matter. All was again well with the world. Then he went to bed and slept the sleep of the just and perfect man living the just and perfect life in a just and perfect universe.

The dawn was already making faint bars over the tops of the shutters, was looking in at him as he sat motionless by his dim lamp and his dead fire. And, in spite of the growing dawn, it was a dark hour. Dare returned to Vandon in the highest spirits, with an enormous emerald engagement-ring in an inner waistcoat-pocket.

"You agree with me, I hope," said Abner, "that all these symbolical follies might very well be done away with?" "No," said Medora firmly; "folly sheer, utter folly claims me for a month at least. And as for symbols, they are the very bread of the race, and I am as much of the human tribe as anybody else is." A few days later Medora was wearing her engagement-ring.

"He is a dangerous man: he compromises one. He offered me an engagement-ring, and I refused it; yet he made you believe we were engaged. You have taken care I shall not be compromised with the man I love; and shall I be compromised with the man I don't care for? No, thank you." "Very well, Grace," said Mr. Carden, coldly. Shortly after this Mr. Carden requested Dr.

She untied the narrow ribbon that was bound about it, lifted the cover and a layer of cotton, and discovered the two rings which we already know about. "My mother's wedding and engagement-ring!" Mona breathed, seeming to know by instinct what they were. "They must have been taken from her fingers after she was dead, and Uncle Walter has kept them all these years for me.