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He took a chart from a drawer, spread it out on a table top. "The simplest way would be to cut these two wires. When the Lhari land, we'll be there, waiting for them. On board the Lhari ship, there must be full records coordinates of their home world, of where they go for their catalyst fuel all that." Bart whistled. "But won't the crew defend the ship? You can't fight energon-ray guns!"

I'd like to explore them, wouldn't you?" "They look pretty gloomy to me. Probably full of monsters." Ringg patted the hilt of his energon-ray. "This will handle anything short of an armor-plated saurian." Bart shuddered. As part of uniform, he, too, had been issued one of the energon-rays; but he had never used it and didn't intend to. "Just the same, I'd rather stay out here in the sun."

This time it struck one of the Lhari grazingly with landing gear and knocked him sprawling. Bart stood with his mouth open, as if paralyzed. Briscoe! What was he doing? The fallen Lhari lay without moving. The robotcab moved in again, as if for the kill, buzzing viciously overhead. Then a beam of light arced from one of the drawn energon-ray tubes.

Putting on speed, he saw the tall, austere shape of Vorongil, his banded cloak dark against the glaring light. Vorongil turned, startled, at the sound of his running feet. Suddenly, Bart realized that he was still holding his energon-ray. In shock and revulsion, he dropped it at Vorongil's feet. "Captain, go warn the men! They'll all be dead in half an hour! There are lethal radiations " "What?

For the first time he noted the energon-ray shockers at the belts of the four Lhari. He'd heard about those. They could stun or they could kill, and quite horribly. He said, "This is my father. You want my cards, too?" He hauled out his identity papers. "My name's Bart Steele." The Lhari, with a gesture of disgust, handed them back. "Go, then, father and son," he said, not unkindly.