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Its intermediate host can be any one of a hundred cold-blooded animals." "Is there no place else where it can be attacked?" "Sure, in the body of the final host, or on its final encysting place. But that won't eliminate the bug." "Why not?" "It'll still survive in its infective form and enough Lani will get subacute dosage to propagate it until the time is right for another epizootic.

He acknowledged the small progress that had been made in this study. From worms he went to Protozoa-Trypanosomes, sleeping sickness, host tsetse-fly showed life history comparatively, propagated in secondary host or encysting in primary host similarly malarial germs spread by Anopheles mosquitoes all very interesting.

It knows how to do it as well as bees know how to ventilate the hive, or how to seal up or entomb the grub of an invading moth. Indeed, how much the act of the body, in encysting a bullet in its tissues, is like the act of the bees in encasing with wax a worm in the combs!

Does the body, or the life that fills it, reason when it tries to get rid of, or to neutralize the effects of, a foreign substance, like a bullet, by encysting it? or when it thickens the skin on the hand or on any other part of the body, even forming special pads called callosities, as a result of the increased wear or friction? This may be called physiological intelligence.