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"Your last two stories are too highflown for my simple tastes. I want a good coherent description of the ghost himself, not the particular emotions he excited. I had expected better things from Austyn. Upon my word, as far as we have gone, old Aunt Eleanour's is the best.

Wide spaces are rare in the corner of Kent which Philip knew, the sea offers the only broad horizon, and the immense distance he saw now gave him a peculiar, an indescribable thrill. He felt suddenly elated. Though he did not know it, it was the first time that he had experienced, quite undiluted with foreign emotions, the sense of beauty.

So important, indeed, is the study of development as a means to classification, that the first zoologists now hold it to be the only absolute criterion. Here, then, in the advance of natural-history-classification, are two fundamental facts, which should be borne in mind when classifying the emotions. If, as Mr.

A speaker or writer is great in proportion as his power of expression nears perfection. According as we are satisfied to read in print what a writer says, and do not find it necessary to read between the lines what he intended to say, we may regard him as possessed of lucidity of thought and lucidity of style. Many of the ideas, emotions and actions to which Mr.

These truths, however, all follow so plainly from the definitions alone of love and the intellect, that there is no need to demonstrate them singly. Necessary Evils The emotions of hope and fear cannot exist without sorrow; for fear is sorrow, and hope cannot exist without fear.

Examples of artistic work and books in the home, its customary life on ordinary days and holidays, its occupations and its pleasures, should give to the emotions and imagination of the child, periods of movement and repose, a sure contour and a rich colour.

The boy who had left her had returned a man, nobler, stronger, one in whom she divined something unbending as steel. There might come a moment later when she would wonder why she had not fought against his will, but just now she yielded to it. She liked him as well nay, more, she thought, only her emotions were deadened by the long, menacing wait for the bursting storm.

If the story of his political life is full of melancholy interest, and calculated to awaken profound emotions of reverence for his memory, the story of his affections is not less touching. Truly, "there's not a line but hath been wept upon."

I am afraid if you do I may get chills in my mind, soul, and heart from which I shall never recover. I have an idea that the weather may not be as favorable as it was yesterday for the unveiling of tender emotions." "Why so?" asked Olive. "There are several reasons," returned Mr. Locker. "For one thing, that musical uproar last night.

Her lips were compressed in a thin line; her hair lay in fluffy masses on her bare shoulders, in all its strange golden contrast to her dark eyes those eyes alive with the emotions of fear, hate, contempt, and odd, haunting triumph. "Now, please, will you leave my room?" He turned round, and went sulkily out.