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I should have thought that one might have expected one's partner at a club like this to exercise elementary But Mr Bickersdyke had gone. He had melted silently away like the driven snow. Psmith took his place at the table. 'A somewhat nervous excitable man, Mr Bickersdyke, I should say, he observed. 'A somewhat dashed, blanked idiot, emended the bank-manager's late partner.

It is of the utmost importance that we should take counsel's opinion about our lives, and that we should pray, "Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do?" that we should, if need be, weep much, until the Lamb shall take off the seals from that book of life, which, in the archives of the celestial city, is entitled "The Life of taken from the Pattern in the Mount"; that we should learn to conform ourselves to the Divine original, just as a manuscript, however deformed by glosses and traditions, is accurately and certainly emended by the discovery of the original text; that we should know, in some sense, as Christ did, whence we come and whither we go; that, as He said, we also might feel that for this end we were born and for this purpose we came into the world, that we might bear witness to the truth; that, with Him, too, we might in some measure be able to say, "The son can do nothing but what he seeth the Father do"; and that at our ending it might be said, "He lived out the secret thought and counsel of the Almighty."

"But what does it matter, if you're coming back to-night?" "Of course I'm coming back! How could you possibly imagine I should think of leaving you for more than a day?" "Oh, I shouldn't be afraid not much, that is, with the poker, and Nat's water-pistol," emended Junie, still judicious. Susy again enfolded her vehemently, and then turned to more practical matters.

But at the end of the first century of our era the Senate voted that the law be emended to help women and to give them special privileges in every class of contract. "We must praise the farsightedness of that illustrious order," comments the great jurist Ulpian, "because it brought aid to women on account of the weakness of the sex, exposed, as it is, to many mishaps of this sort."

"It's been pleasant, certainly; but I suppose I shall have to get at my work again some day. You know I haven't written a line since all this time," he hastily emended. She flamed with sympathy and self-reproach. "Oh, if you mean that if you want to write of course we must settle down. How stupid of me not to have thought of it sooner! Where shall we go? Where do you think you could work best?

During the last two years, apart from much else, I have emended the Letters of St. Jerome, obelizing what was false and spurious and explaining the obscure passages with notes. I have corrected the whole of the New Testament from collations of the Greek and ancient manuscripts, and have annotated more than a thousand passages, not without some benefit to theologians.

"Why," said that lady, glancing in turn at the other members, "as a community I hope it is not too much to say that we stand for culture." "For art " Miss Glyde eagerly interjected. "For art and literature," Mrs. Ballinger emended. "And for sociology, I trust," snapped Miss Van Vluyck. "We have a standard," said Mrs.

The reason for having come this journey is that there was no place where I could be independent except on Sica's estate, especially till the bill is emended, and at the same time because I find that from this spot I can reach Brundisium, if you were only with me, but without you I cannot stay in those parts owing to Autronius.

"What she suggests." Her son, raising himself, turned to look at her for the first time. Their glance met in a shock of comprehension. He was with her against the girl, then! Her satisfaction overflowed in a murmur of tenderness. "Of course not, dear. One can't change change one's life...." "One's self," he emended. "That's what I tell her.

"No," Uncle Ezra went on bravely, "I am a little troubled as to what this may mean to Maud and Professor Painter, for you see their pictures are copies." "Undoubted modern copies," the unquenchable Watkins emended. "Maud has learned a great deal from her picture. And as for Painter, it has been an education in art, an education in life. He said to me the night before I came away, 'Mr.