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The hatred of the Graces brings down misfortune on men of letters; and when he embroils himself with Venus and the Muses he is a lost being; as, for instance, M. Dorat, who incessantly slanders his mistresses, and writes nothing but puerilities. "I have been very cautious, in my long career, how I committed such a fault.

There are other memorable states of the intellectual powers, which if I did not mention, the survey here taken would seem to be glaringly imperfect. The first of these is madness. In this humiliating condition of our nature the sovereignty of reason is deposed: Chaos umpire sits, And by decision more embroils the fray.

When this man lacks moral rectitude, progress only makes bad worse, and further embroils social problems. This principle may be verified in other domains than that of material well-being. We shall speak only of education and liberty.

The universal problem into which modern life, as well as past life, rushes and embroils and rends itself, can only be dispersed by a universal means which reduces each nation to what it is in truth; which strips from them all the ideal of supremacy stolen by each of them from the great human ideal; a means which, raising the human ideal definitely beyond the reach of all those immoderate emotions, which shout together "Mine is the only point of view," gives it at last its divine unity.

I know that it is common to rail at the unequal distribution of riches, as the great source of jealousies, broils, and heart-breakings; whereas, for my part, I verily believe it is the sad inequality of intellect that prevails, that embroils communities more than anything else; and I have remarked that your knowing people, who are so much wiser than anybody else, are eternally keeping society in a ferment.

I should judge her to be incapable of truth. In private life a girl of this description embroils the peace of families, walks attended by a troop of scowling swains, and passes, once at least, through the divorce court; it is a common and, except to the cynic, an uninteresting type.

I did not wish to do so for it is not necessary to write down things things of this sort it is too hurtful to the legitimate children and then it embroils everything it ruins everyone! Look you, the stamped paper, there's no need of it never make use of it. If I am rich, it is because I have not made use of what I have during my own life. You understand, my son?" "Yes, father."

I believe it would rather be like the decision in that outer darkness of which Milton speaks where "'chaos umpire sits, And by decision more embroils the fray."

The hatred of the Graces brings down misfortune on men of letters; and when he embroils himself with Venus and the Muses he is a lost being; as, for instance, M. Dorat, who incessantly slanders his mistresses, and writes nothing but puerilities. "I have been very cautious, in my long career, how I committed such a fault.

Money embroils the best friends, and leads to actions they never foresaw. Therefore reflect; you can come and see me again in a few days. It is possible that between now and then you will find some better investment; and I myself, who am doing at this moment a thing I don't altogether like, may have found other difficulties which I do not now expect."