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"All that is not unsatisfactory to me," said Don Quixote. "Go on; thou didst reach her; and what was that queen of beauty doing? Surely thou didst find her stringing pearls, or embroidering some device in gold thread for this her enslaved knight." "I did not," said Sancho, "but I found her winnowing two bushels of wheat in the yard of her house."

"No, the time when he was a little boy, and the weird woman of the woods took him away and taught him everything. I like that part almost best of all." "Very well. That will be a wise beginning, for in embroidering the trees and flowers of the forest you will learn all the different stitches. You will have to embroider quite well before beginning on the figures."

To-morrow we will arrange to quit Paris, I hope for ever." "Mrs. Palma, if you are at leisure, I should like to see you for a moment." "Certainly, Miss Orme; come in." Mrs. Palma looked up for an instant only from the blue sash which she was embroidering with silver. "Is your discourse confidential?

The quills with the white bodies and ready-made needle at each end are admirable for embroidering, but they are white only. "How can we dye them, Quonab? "In the summer are many dyes; in winter they are hard to get. We can get some."

Ah! would I were Moliere to repaint Les Precieuses Ridicules!" Although his eyes had never once wandered from his cousin's face, toward the corner where Edna sat embroidering some mats, she felt the blood burning in her cheeks, and forced herself to look up.

Having questioned the old chief a little more on this point, he wandered off into other subjects, and finally left intending to visit the wife of Nazinred on his way back to camp. Isquay was sitting beside her niece Idazoo, embroidering a moccasin, when Bartong entered, squatted on a deerskin unceremoniously, and began to fill his pipe. "What kind of a man is your husband?" asked the guide.

"Ladies did not dance outside of their own and their friends' private homes in my day," Mrs. Cockrell had sighed, as she finished the petal of the rose she was embroidering upon some of Letitia's lingerie. "I'd rather they danced in their den of iniquity than to execute these modern gyrations in my home," had responded Harriet's mother, Mrs.

For to her surprise she found that that was what he had felt a strange, self-conscious shame, like that of a man who has been jilted. She felt that by coming back to him she had forfeited the right to break the engagement. So every hour of every day seemed to make the thing more inevitable. Belle was embroidering towels for her in her scant leisure.

For embroidering caps, the wholesale dealer pays seven cents each; and for making up, three cents. To make a dozen a day, one must work for sixteen hours.

Wilkins took the little roll, and drew thence several specimens of exquisite and tasteful embroidering, consisting of one or two heavily worked mouchoirs, several collars, some insertion, edging, &c., &c. He examined them with a close and critical eye, then laying them down, with an encouraging smile, said: "These are more beautifully done than any we have yet had, Mademoiselle.