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I'm a-goin' t' keep them two stiffs in th' boxes until dark, an' then I'm a-goin' to take 'em out, bend a rope around their middle, drop 'em overboard an' anchor 'em there all night. I see th' lad we opens up in No. 1 case has had a beautiful job o' embalmin' done on him, but if I let them soak all night, like a mackerel, they'll limber up an' look kinder fresh.

Most of 'em are discoverin' what poor guessers they were. About 90 per cent are bluffin' along on home brew hooch that has all the delicate bouquet of embalmin' fluid and produced about the same effect as a slug of liquid T. N. T., or else they're samplin' various kinds of patent medicines and perfumes.

'They used some powder like pepper for embalmin' in those days, said the clerk. 'And the vicar it was in old Bellamy's time 'e took a sniff into the grave, an' 'e sneezed an' sneezed till we thought we should 'ave to fetch a doctor. 'Ave you seen Mrs. Pepys' tomb? 'No, we have only just come. 'That's it on the left of the common. 'With the woman leaning forward? 'Yes, sir. That's Mrs.

And with tight-pressed lips, she got out the tin dishes. "What's the matter, Win steal a sheep?" asked the Texan as he paused, blanket in hand, to regard Endicott. "What?" "What did you catch hell for? You didn't imbibe no embalmin' fluid." Endicott grinned and the cowboy finished rolling his blanket. "Seems like we're in bad, some way.

"Av ye don't fergit ut, ye moight fetch back a gallon jug av Hod Burrage's embalmin' flooid, f'r me inwards is that petrified be th' grub we've been havin' av late, they moight mishtake ut f'r rale liquor. Good-by, an' good luck 'tis toime to roll in." The sledding was good on the tote-road.

And the roast lamb tasted like it had been put through an embalmin' process. But the cookin' was high art compared to the service, for since their butler had quit to become a crack riveter in a shipyard they've been havin' maids do their plate jugglin'. And this wide-built fairy, with the eyes that didn't track, sure was constructed for anything but glidin' graceful around a dinner table.

'But what'll we du aboot it or we gang? It's the storm may come on again waur nor ever, and mak it impossible to beery her for a month! 'We cudna carry her hame atween's, Dauvid think ye? 'Na, na; it's no as gien it was hersel! And cauld's a fine keeper better nor a' the embalmin o' the Egyptians! Only I'm fain to hand Steenie ohn seen her again!