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Humdrum affairs needn't be humdrum in the doing of 'em. It is my maxim," said the old gentleman, looking at his companion with a singularly open, pleasant smile, "that a man may be great about a'most anything chopping wood, if he happens to be in that line. I used to go upon that plan, Sir.

"Where is he?" "That's exactly what I want to know; but no one has seen him, that I hear of, since he seized the poor girl, dead as she was, and carried her through the midst of the soldiers, who had too much fear or too much nature in 'em to touch him I don't know which it was.

I said: "You can have them with pleasure but take the pistol away from my face, please. It makes me shiver." "No remarks! Hand out your money!" "Certainly I " "Put up your hands! Don't you go for a weapon! Put 'em up! Higher!" I held them above my head. A pause. Then: "Are you going to hand out your money or not?" I dropped my hands to my pockets and said: Certainly! "Put up your hands!

I goes up to the kid and places him under arrest, and takes away his gun. But the first thing I knew that caballard of capitalists makes a break for the train. One of 'em hesitates in front of me for a second, and kind of smiles and shoves his hand up against my chin, and I sort of laid down on the platform and took a nap.

She and I, he said, as he looked steadfastly at the canvas, she and I are the last of 'em. She will stay, and I shall go. They never painted me, except when the boys used to make pictures of me with chalk on the board-fences. They said the doctors would want my skeleton when I was dead. You are my friend, if you are a doctor, a'n't you? I just gave him my hand. I had not the heart to speak.

"Mama used to whip me. She called me the 'Devil's Egg Bag' for a long time. I used to take a darning needle and punch the eyes out of guineas or chickens just to see em run around. She broke me of that. I know now she never whip me enough, but she made a man of me. I got a good name now. Always been a good worker. Done my work good and that's what they want to know. Yes ma'm, I'm old."

They bring all the dust to me. I'm their king. I've taught 'em not to desire or admire. You might as well shut up shop. "'I'll tell you what you are, says I. 'You're a plain, contemptible miser. You preach supply and you forget demand. Now, supply, I goes on, 'is never anything but supply. On the contrary, says I, 'demand is a much broader syllogism and assertion.

"Hanged?" I asked. "Every mother's son of 'em, and served 'em right, too. Property is respected, nowadays, and a miner can travel all the way from Ballarat to Melbourne, and lose nothing if he's got nothing to lose," the grinning scamp replied. "I've got a friend vid me," Steel Spring said at length, "and perhaps you'd like to see him." "Who is he?" we asked.

The side of the hin-'ouse was all broke in, there was a few feathers lying on the ground, and two little chicks smashed and dead beside 'em. "The way Frederick Scott went on about it you'd 'ardly believe.

"Don't, Carlotta," he begged again. "You don't have to scare me into subjection, you know. If I had anything to justify me for asking you to marry me I'd do it this minute without prompting. You ought to know that. And you know I'm jealous enough already of the rest of 'em, without your rubbing it in now." "Don't worry, old dear," smiled Carlotta.