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Prospero is an old Highland chief, who has been set adrift with his daughter- Francie Vanderkist to wit- and floated up there, obtaining control over the local elves and brownies. Little Fely was a most dainty sprite." "I am glad you did not make Ariel an electric telegraph," said his aunt.

She, however, was not to be put off; so she asked for something to carry away with her in remembrance of her visit. The sparrow accordingly produced two baskets, as before, and the greedy old woman, choosing the heavier of the two, carried it off with her. But when she opened the basket to see what was inside, all sorts of hobgoblins and elves sprang out of it, and began to torment her.

The opinion, however, was universally adopted, that good and not bad elves had been thus busily at work; and the fruit, therefore, was gathered without fear of bad consequences, and laid in baskets. The elves were praised both in prose and verse; and there never was a merrier harvest-feast.

And when he lent this to Martin, the younger brother could also do great deeds, such as were only done in old times. Martin lived much with the Mikumwess or Elves, or Fairies, and is said to have been one of them. How Win-pe the Sorcerer, having stolen Glooskap's Family, was by him pursued, and how, Glooskap for a Merry Jest cheated the Whale.

"'Violets, the elf said to me, 'are for sight, and smell, and touch. Therefore it yet remains to provide for hearing and taste!" And now the little Mouse began to beat time; and music was heard, not such as sounded in the forest among the elves, but such as is heard in the kitchen.

"Good-bye, and thank you ever so much," replied Toinette. "Good-bye, good-bye," replied the other elves, in shrill chorus. They clustered together, as if in consultation; then straight out of the window they flew like a swarm of gauzy-winged bees, and melted into the moonlight.

"We are called the Elves," replied the friendly child; "people talk about us on the Earth, as I have heard." They now perceived a mighty bustle on the green. "The fair Bird is come!" cried the children to them: all hastened to the hall. Here, as they approached, young and old were crowding over the threshold, all shouting for joy; and from within resounded a triumphant peal of music.

In the middle rose a white throne, and on this sat the prettiest fairy of all, with a crown on her head and a wand in her hand; she was dressed in white and gold, and round her danced a circle of elves; and every elf held a tiny blazing candle. "Are you too old for dolls, Hildegarde?" asked the Colonel, puffing with pleasure as he saw the delight in the girl's face.

Round the luminary of the night the stars lead up the mystic dance, and compose the music of the spheres. The deities of the woods and the deities of the rivers come out from their secret haunts, and keep their pastimes unapprehensive of human intrusion. The elves and the fairies repair to their sports, and trip along the velvet green with many-twinkling feet.

Kindling rapidly, they threw out fantastic lights, which danced like a regiment of red elves around the old log walls of the cabin. "If a fellow could only drop off to sleep every night in the year seeing and smelling such a fire as that!" breathed Neal, as, accepting a share of Royal's blankets, he stretched his tired limbs on the evergreen mattress.