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He had no thought of calling to see Miss Elvan; upon that he could not venture; but he thought it barely possible that he might meet with her in this neighbourhood, and such a meeting would have been pleasant.

Winnie has a terror of finding herself destitute. She jumped for joy when she was offered that work, and I'm sure she'd be content to live there in the same way for years. She feels safe as long as she needn't touch her money." Winifred Elvan, since her father's death, had found an engagement as governess in an English family at St. Jean de Luz.

In its heart were tar barrels and the monster bred heat enough to remind the granite beneath it of those fires that first moulded its elvan ingredients to a concrete whole and hurled them hither. About this eye of flame crowded those who had built it, and the roaring mass of red-hot timber and seething pitch represented the consummation of Chagford's festivities on the night of Jubilee.

South of Black Head, an eminence of about 150 feet, is the little port of Pentewan, noted for its elvan building stone, which is shipped, together with some china-clay, from its excellent small harbour. Pentewan stone has a good name for hardness and durability; its qualities are well shown in the tower of St. Austell Church.

"He died a month ago, over there in the South of France. Rosamund has gone back to Egypt, to stay with that friend of hers at Cairo. Mrs. Pomfret hints to me that the girls will have to find a way of earning their living; Elvan has left practically nothing. I wonder whether " He smiled and broke off. "Whether what?" asked the listener. "Oh, nothing. What's the time?"

He stood looking at the house for a moment, then approached, and knocked at the door. He asked if Miss Elvan was at home. "She's gone away," was the reply of the landlady, who spoke distantly, her face a respectable blank. "Left for good?" "Yes, sir," answered the woman, her eyes falling. "You don't know where she has gone to?" "It's somewhere abroad, sir in France, I think.

Now, Bertha Cross there's the kind of girl who does work and gets paid for it. In her modest line, Bertha is a real artist. I do wish you knew her, Warburton." "So you have said a good many times," remarked Will. "But I don't see how it would help you. I know Miss Elvan, and " He paused, as if musing on a thought. "And what?" asked Franks impatiently.

In the garden he caught sight of Ralph, recovered from his attack of gout, sitting at his ease, pipe in mouth. Will told of his meeting with Miss Elvan. "Yes, yes; she's off to London town wants to live there, like all the rest of the young people. In thirty years' time she'll have had enough of it, and be glad to creep into a quiet corner like this.

He idled through the day on the seashore. Next morning he bathed, and had a long walk, coming back by way of the Coppingers' house, but passing quickly, and seeing no one. When he returned to the hotel, he was told that a gentleman had called to see him, and had left his card "Mr. Alfred Coppinger." Ho, ho! Winifred Elvan had mentioned their meeting, and the people wished to be friendly.

I went, and we had a long talk. Then in the evening, by chance, I saw Mr. Warburton." "Has that anything to do with the matter?" "Oh, no!" replied Miss Elvan hastily. "I mention it, because, as I told you once before, Mr. Warburton always likes to talk of Norbert." "I see. And you talked of him?" "We only saw each other for a few minutes. The thunder-storm came on.