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So Ranelagh and a party of his friends filled the omnibus boxes, those tribunes at the side of the stage whence success or failure was pronounced. Things had been done with Lumley's consummate art; the packed house was murmurous with excitement. She was a raving beauty, said report and then, those intoxicating Spanish dances! Taglioni, Cerito, Fanny Elssler, all were to be eclipsed.

In those days, let any man be found to swear that he apprehended danger to his property, or violence to his person, from the assembling of a mob in a place assigned, and the magistrate would have held it his duty to disperse or prevent that meeting. But now on a changé tout cela; and as easily might a magistrate of this day commit Fanny Elssler as a vagabond.

Caroline walks like Fanny Elssler, communicating the most Andalusian little motions to her tournure. "Do you feel a sensation of heaviness in your knees?" "Well, no " she returns to her place. "Ah, no that I think of it, it seems to me that I do." "Good. Have you been in the house a good deal lately?" "Oh, yes, sir, a great deal too much and alone." "Good. I thought so.

The calling of the danseuse, we repeat, is among the most lucrative of modern times, and nearly the most influential. The names of Taglioni and Elssler are as European, nay, as universal, as those of Wellington and Talleyrand-Metternich or Thiers; and modern statesmanship and modern diplomacy show pale beside the Machiavelism of the coulisses.

"Ah, to be sure, I have not answered you; be satisfied, we shall have this 'lion; we are among the privileged ones." "Were you at the opera yesterday?" "No." "He was there." "Ah, indeed? And did the eccentric person commit any new originality?" "Can he be seen without doing so? Elssler was dancing in the 'Diable Boiteux; the Greek princess was in ecstasies.

On being told, as she gazed upon the intrepid self-exposure of Taglioni, "qu'il fallait être sage pour danser comme ça," Miss S. observes, that it requires to be more or less than woman, and proposes to divide the human species into men, women, and OPERA-DANCERS, little suspecting that half her readers translate such a classification into "men, women, and ANGELS;" or that they would see herself and her sister moralist go down in the President without a pang, provided Elssler and Taglioni were saved from the deep!

One of the ladies personated Diana, and any one entering her wooded precincts was liable to be shot with one of her arrows. Further in the woods a gipsy, personated by Miss 'Ora Gannett, niece to Rev. Ezra Gannett, was ready to tell your fortune. Miss "Georgie" Bruce was an Indian squaw, and "George William" Curtis, a young man, carried off the palm as "Fanny Elssler" the dancer.

I have seen the woman that danced the capstone on to Bunker Hill Monument, as Orpheus moved the rocks by music, the Elssler woman, Fanny Elssler. She would dance you a rigadoon or cut a pigeon's wing for you very respectably. Well, did these two ladies dance as if it was hard work to them?

The year following she went to Naples, where a brother of the King fell desperately in love with her. Mademoiselle Elssler went soon afterwards to Paris, where her wit electrified all the fashionable world, and her dancing and acting in the Diable Boiteux made the fortune of the entrepreneur.

I have seen Taglioni, he answered. -She used to take her steps rather prettily. I have seen the woman that danced the capstone on to Bunker Hill Monument, as Orpheus moved the rocks by music, the Elssler woman, Fanny Elssler. She would dance you a rigadoon or cut a pigeon's wing for you very respectably. Well, did these two ladies dance as if it was hard work to them?