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When the King made a speech, everybody knew it was somebody else’s writing; whereas here was the Lord Mayor, talking away for half an hour-all out of his own headamidst the enthusiastic applause of the whole company, while it was notorious that the King might talk to his parliament till he was black in the face without getting so much as a single cheer.

God wants us so to abhor the sins of others that we shall not follow them, nor find pleasure in those who do sinful things. There are two ways in which we can partake of other people’s sins. One way is to approve of their evil works. It may be that we ourselves would not do those things, but if we approve of some one else’s doing them, it is just about as bad.

The Spanish king had no money and little heart for this enterprise, but that did not check the enthusiastic cardinal, who offered to loan all the sums needed, and to take full charge of the expedition, leading it himself, if the king pleased. Ferdinand made no objection to this, being quite willing to make conquests at some one else’s expense, and the cardinal set to work.

Such little cost!” she exclaimed under her breath. “I mean to your person.” “Oh, yes,” she murmured, glanced down, as it were upon herself, then added very low: “This body.” “Well, it is you,” said Blunt with visibly contained irritation. “You don’t pretend it’s somebody else’s. It can’t be. You haven’t borrowed it. . . . It fits you too well,” he ended between his teeth.

"Not for a good while, not until you seem to require marrying at my hands." "I never shall require marrying at anyone else’s hands," the lover vowed, "but if you are so set about it as all that comes to, I shall not cut up rough for a while. Aunt Mary is the main question just nownot you." "I know," said his lady in anything but a jealous tone, "and as she is the question, what are we to do?"

Know that I desire to return soon even more than you desire it, for I pass my life here in the greatest discomfort and with the hardest labour, doing nothing but work day and night, and I have endured so much fatigue and hardship that if I should have to go through it again, I do not believe my life would hold out, for it has been an enormous undertaking, and if it had been in any one else’s hands it would have come out very badly.

These boys, they are worth everything in the world, and there is nothing you and I can do will ever repay them for what they are doing for you and for me. When the great end of the day comes, the greatest joy of all will be the joy of knowing you have tried to make somebody else’s life happy.

In the first place, she had a natural antipathy to anybody else’s unmarried daughters; in the second, she was in bodily fear of anything in the shape of ridicule; lastlyalmost a necessary consequence of this feelingshe regarded, with feelings of the utmost horror, one Mrs. Joseph Porter over the way.

His memory evoked a certain old fat and wealthy native chief in the distant colony whom it was a tradition for the successive Colonial Governors to trust and make much of as a firm friend and supporter of the order and legality established by white men; whereas, when examined sceptically, he was found out to be principally his own good friend, and nobody else’s.

She did not leave him this time, but rode at his side in silence with a frown and little line of thought between her blue eyes. As they were nearing the store she said diffidently: “Mr. Hosmer, I wonder if it wouldn’t be best for you to put the mill in some one else’s charge and go away from Place-du-Bois.” “I believe you always speak with a purpose, Mrs.