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"Still, dad will have to slow up, too," remarked Jack, consolingly. "And maybe we'll catch him on the open road again." "It's almost like following elopers," laughed Harold. "I do love a chase." "So do I," agreed Ruth. Then, "Oh, see that bridge; do we have to cross that?" "Yes," replied Jack; "for that will take us into Trenton. And they must be headed that way."

At last, just as the rising sun was dispersing the vapors of night, our elopers swung themselves from the brook into the branches of an overarching hollow tree, helped each other to the bottom of this house not made with hands, and soon slept the slumber of utter exhaustion.

He was pictured in the paper as an implacable father who was at that moment searching for the elopers with a shot gun. Old Druce had been too often the central figure of a journalistic sensation to mind what the sheet said. So the errant pair, much relieved, came back to New York. Old Druce was a taciturn man, even with his only son.

Elopers or no, such a well born couple would not from choice bury themselves in this forbidding section of London. With a cunning fostered by long years of precarious livelihood, he at once resolved to profit if he could from their need. "I fear, sir," said he, "that I know of no lodgings that would be at all suitable for you. We are poor folk, all of us, and "

Notwithstanding the pleasant weather, there was a heavy sea running, the ship rolling uncomfortably for those who were poor sailors. Deck chairs on all sides were occupied by persons who had heroically determined to make the most of the brightness about them. The elopers found their chairs and joined the long line of spectators. Hugh glanced admiringly at Grace now and then.

But this detective business has made me very wary not to say weary and I 've had to postpone my return to Jack to await the Emperor's pleasure and lest I bring more trouble on Sada's head, by following too closely on her heels; for I suspect the blessed elopers are themselves on the way to China.

"Never you mind, Sally! You can elope if you want to!" "San Rafael's the place to go, Sally," said Mary. "All the elopers get married there. The court-house, you know. No delays about licenses!" "They're very naughty," said their mother, beginning to see how unwelcome this joking was to the visitors. "Are you going straight home, dear?" "Straight home!" said the doctor.