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'Ay, has been, answered the first, with somewhat of emphasis. 'I am sure, neighbour Ovens, said the hostess,'the Hazlewoods of Hazlewood, though they are a very gude auld family in the county, never thought, till within these twa score o' years, of evening themselves till the Ellangowans. Wow, woman, the Bertrams of Ellangowan are the auld Dingawaies lang syne.

"I am sure, neighbour Ovens," said the hostess, "the Hazlewoods of Hazlewood, though they are a very gude auld family in the county, never thought, till within these twa score o' years, of evening themselves till the Ellangowans Wow, woman, the Bertrams of Ellangowan are the auld Dingawaies lang syne there is a sang about ane o' them marrying a daughter of the King of Man; it begins

The Ellangowans had arrived, and Lady Ellangowan, who was full of good-nature, was quite ready to take Violet under her wing when Mrs. Scobel suggested that operation. "I can find her any number of partners," she said. "Oh, there she goes off already with Captain Winstanley." The Captain had lost no time in exacting his waltz.

"My dear Conrad, Lady Ellangowan knows my rose-point by heart. She always compliments me about it an artful way of letting me know often she has seen it. 'Oh there is that rose-point of yours, dear Mrs. Winstanley; it is too lovely. I know her! No, Conrad; I will not go to the Ellangowans in a dress made last year; or in any réchauffé of velvet and lace.

'It was a blythe bit ance! said Meg, speaking to herself. 'Did ye notice if there was an auld saugh tree that's maist blawn down, but yet its roots are in the earth, and it hangs ower the bit burn? Mony a day hae I wrought my stocking and sat on my sunkie under that saugh. 'Hout, deil's i' the wife, wi' her saughs, and her sunkies, and Ellangowans.

"Hout, deills i' the wife, wi' her saughs, and her sunkies, and Ellangowans Godsake, woman, let me away there's saxpence t'ye to buy half a mutchkin, instead o' clavering about thae auld-warld stories." The farmer laughed and promised, and the Gipsy retreated. "Will you take her advice?" said Brown, who had been an attentive listener to this conversation. "That will I no the randy quean!

'It was a blythe bit ance! said Meg, speaking to herself. 'Did ye notice if there was an auld saugh tree that's maist blawn down, but yet its roots are in the earth, and it hangs ower the bit burn? Mony a day hae I wrought my stocking and sat on my sunkie under that saugh. 'Hout, deil's i' the wife, wi' her saughs, and her sunkies, and Ellangowans.

'It was a blythe bit ance! said Meg, speaking to herself. 'Did ye notice if there was an auld saugh tree that's maist blawn down, but yet its roots are in the earth, and it hangs ower the bit burn? Mony a day hae I wrought my stocking and sat on my sunkie under that saugh. 'Hout, deil's i' the wife, wi' her saughs, and her sunkies, and Ellangowans.

'Ay, has been, answered the first, with somewhat of emphasis. 'I am sure, neighbour Ovens, said the hostess, 'the Hazlewoods of Hazlewood, though they are a very gude auld family in the county, never thought, till within these twa score o' years, of evening themselves till the Ellangowans. Wow, woman, the Bertrams of Ellangowan are the auld Dingawaies lang syne.

She was not much elated at the idea of the ball, and "that small, small, imperceptibly small talk" of her mother's and Mrs. Scobel's was beyond measure wearisome to her. "I hope we shall get there after the Ellangowans," said Mrs.