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"And on your knees beg Heaven's grace to help you to see your duty, since no words of mine prevail." "Oh, that the Duchess were returned from Mantua," she sighed. "The good Monna Elizabetta might melt you to some pity." "Monna Elizabetta is too dutiful herself to do aught but urge you to dutifulness.

'Il pranzo è sulla tavola, signorina. 'Bene! said Constance over her shoulder. She turned back to Tony; her manner was kind. 'If you go to the kitchen, Tony, Elizabetta will give you some dinner. 'Sank you, signorina. His manner was humble. 'Elizabetta's dinners consist of a plate of garlic and macaroni on the kitchen steps.

We are planning a trip up the Maggiore to-morrow, and we have to have a cake to take with us. Elizabetta made one this morning, but she forgot to put in the baking powder. Italian cooks are not used to making cakes; they are much better at' her eyes fell on the calf 'veal and such things. He folded his arms with an air of desperation.

Cosmo, unwilling to offend this prelate who might some day become the head of the Church, took action in his behalf and ordered that Elizabetta should be confined in a Florentine convent. Thereupon Roberto fled to Mantua, and, after having married her by letter, publicly proclaimed his act and demanded that his wife be delivered up to him.

For a time he occupied the governor's rooms, which were very scantily furnished; but one day he came upon an eerie suite of rooms which he liked better. They were the rooms that had been fitted up for the beautiful Elizabetta of Farnese, the second wife of Philip V.

His wife, Elizabetta Gonzaga, one of the most famous women of her age, was no less a pattern of noble conduct and serene contentment. Such were the two last princes of the Montefeltro dynasty. It is necessary to bear their virtues in mind while dwelling on the characteristics of Italian despotism in the fifteenth century.

He brings together the Duchess Elizabetta Gonzaga; Emilia Pia, wife of Antonio da Montefeltro, whose wit is as keen and active as that of Shakespeare's Beatrice; Pietro Bembo, the Ciceronian dictator of letters in the sixteenth century; Bernardo Bibbiena, Berni's patron, the author of 'Calandra, whose portrait by Raphael in the Pitti enables us to estimate his innate love of humor; Giuliano de' Medici, Duke of Nemours, of whom the marble effigy by Michael Angelo still guards the tomb in San Lorenzo; together with other knights and gentlemen less known to fame two Genoese Fregosi, Gasparo Pallavicini, Lodovico, Count of Canossa, Cesare Gonzaga, l' Unico Aretino, and Fra Serafino the humorist.

Yet an adventurer at heart he was, and since the fields of Mars were little suited to his nature, he had long pondered upon the possibilities afforded him by the lists of Cupid. Guidobaldo purely out of consideration for Monna Elizabetta had shown him a high degree of favour, and upon this he had been vain enough to found great hopes for Guidobaldo had two nieces.

The old Count Federigo had made all this refined magnificence possible, it is true, and Guidobaldo had been in every way a worthy successor to his father, though lacking his rugged strength; but to Guidobaldo's wife, the gracious and wise Elizabetta Gonzaga, belongs the credit for having kept Urbino up to a high standard an achievement of which few, if any, other women of her time were capable.

Then the outraged nephew sent to each one of the papal electors a detailed account of what had taken place, with the result that his uncle's candidacy was a complete failure. Cosmo, moved somewhat by public opinion, which was all upon the side of the lovers, ordered Elizabetta to be released from her captivity, whereupon she joined her husband in Venice, that she might share his exile.