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Seaton fastened a detector ray upon stop twenty-nine of the tracer-ray panel and followed its beam of force out to the torpedo hastening upon its way toward the next doomed cruiser. Flashing ahead in its line as he had done before, he located the vessel and clamped the electrodes of force upon the prodigious driving bar.

The tubes contain no inside electrodes with the residual gaseous molecules; and with them I will proceed to give some of the most striking radiant-matter experiments without any inner metallic poles at all. In all these tubes the electrodes, which are of silver, are on the outside, the current acting through the body of the glass.

"Some one," he went on, in a low, tense voice, leaning forward, "some one who knew this effect placed strychnine salts on one of the electrodes of the bath which Owen Minturn was to use." He did not pause. Evidently he was planning to let the force of his exposure be cumulative, until from its sheer momentum it carried everything before it. "Walter," he ordered quickly. "Lend me a hand."

One of the electrodes is connected with the diaphragm on which the sound-waves impinge, and the vibration of this diaphragm causes the pressure between the electrodes to be correspondingly varied, and thereby effects a variation in the current, resulting in the production of impulses which actuate the receiving magnet.

I am using 30,000 volts, and my electrodes, my own invention, are " "Never mind," growled Flint. "Just let's see some of the product some liquid oxygen, that's all. The why and wherefore is your job, not ours!" Herzog, with a pained smile, bent and peered through a red glass bull's-eye that now had begun to glow in the side of his apparatus. "The arc is good," he muttered, as to himself.

Aluminum, however, seems exempt from this volatility. Hence, and for other reasons, it is generally used for electrodes. If, then, the phenomena in a high vacuum are due to the "electrode matter," the more volatile the metal used, the greater should be the effect. One electrode, A', is of pure silver, a volatile metal; the other, A, is of aluminum, practically non-volatile.

Now I place this mass of iron scraps in the crucible of the furnace and start the furnace." He turned a switch, and long yellowish-blue sheets of flame spurted out from the electrodes on either side. It was weird, gruesome. One could feel the heat of the tremendous electric discharge.

When these electrodes are connected in series with the primary of a large spark coil or an alternating current transformer, see C, and a direct current of from 40 to 110 volts is made to pass through it, the current is made and broken from 1,000 to 10,000 times a minute.

The assistant dashed a few drops of water on the electrodes. The sickish odour increased tremendously. I felt myself almost going, but with an effort I again roused myself. I wondered how Craig stood the fumes, for I suffered an intense headache and nausea. "Stop!" Craig thundered. "There's enough cyanogen in this room already.

"The inventor has described an accident he suffered and its effect on him: "'In the laboratory, he says, 'I had a large induction coil. One day I got hold of both electrodes of this coil, and it clinched my hands on them so that I could not let go! "'The battery was on a shelf.