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Here Commandant Dumoulin, to whom Lieutenant Servin had made a suggestion, intervened anew: "Monsieur the President, gentlemen, having regard to the grave declarations made by this witness, I require her immediate arrest!" Hardly had this demand been voiced when a loud cry rang out, electrifying the whole court. Bobinette had swallowed the contents of a small phial hidden in her muff!

Zöllner showed in 1872 that, owing to evaporation and other changes produced by rapid approach to the sun, electrical processes of considerable intensity must take place in comets; and that their original light is immediately connected with these, and depends upon solar radiation, rather through its direct or indirect electrifying effects, than through its more obvious thermal power, may be considered a truth permanently acquired to science.

Undine paused a moment before answering, "It won't be impossible when my marriage is annulled," she said. The effect of this statement was less electrifying than she had hoped. Her visitor simply broke into a laugh. "My dear child! Your marriage annulled? Who can have put such a mad idea into your head?"

After that the two rams and their smaller followers were plainly in sight for perhaps a quarter of an hour. Then they disappeared behind another ridge. Gale kept watching sure they would come out farther on. A tense period of waiting passed, then a suddenly electrifying pressure of Yaqui's hand made Gale tremble with excitement. Very cautiously he shifted his position.

Something fresh must be had; something electrifying; above all, something that would set the people to cheering and firing off salutes about the very day of the election; something, too, that could not be plainly contradicted by the events till after that critical day then let the contradiction come and welcome: your true Yankee will only laugh.

"I want to show the Jandel people to say nothing of the bigger firms that the Swifts are to be reckoned with when it comes to electric invention. Other roads will be electrifying their lines as fast as it is proved that the electric-driven locomotive has the bulge on the steam-driven. "In the case of the Hendrickton & Pas Alos there are very steep grades to overcome.

So they tried, and utterly failed, of course. Morning came at last. Dull and dreary it came, drenched in rain, the wind wailing desolately over the dark, complaining sea. All was confusion, not only at the Court, but throughout the whole village. The terrible news had flown like wild-fire, electrifying all. My lady was murdered! Who had done the deed?

Has he ever felt that indefinable enervating magnetism which, in the midst of the dance, under the influence of music, and the warmth, making all else seem cold, that comes from a young woman, electrifying her and leaping from her to him as the perfume of aloes from the swinging censer? I was struck with stupor.

Joan, the experience was thrilling, positively electrifying Glamour personal magnetism.... You couldn't possibly understand unless you knew HIM. Descriptions are so hopeless. I'll leave him to your imagination. By the way, Molly annoyed me horribly the other day.

Gladys and Johnnie were busy at the electrifying machine, and with a rustling and crackling noise the "spunky little flashes," as Swan called them, kept leaping from one leaden knob to another.