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Sue was transported with interest, her lips parted, her eyes shining, her hands clasped. "Oh, I wish I could be a brave little quail girl, Mardie! What became of her?" "Her name was Polly Reed, and when she grew up, she became a teacher of the Shaker school, then an Eldress, and even a preacher.

"Well," he said, a simple shrewdness glimmering in his brown eyes, "if you go to the Trustees' House, down there in the valley, Eldress Hannah'll tell you all about us. And the sisters have baskets and pretty truck to sell things the world's people like. Go and ask the Eldress what we believe, and she'll show you the baskets." She turned eagerly to her husband.

"And I had another letter," the Eldress proceeded, "from that young woman who came here in August Athalia Hall; do you remember? she asked two questions to the minute! She wants to visit us." Brother Nathan looked at her over his spectacles, and one of the sisters opened her eyes. "I don't see why she should," Eldress Hannah added. Two of the old brothers nodded agreement.

Sitting thus, he watched the road and the slow crawl of the shaky old carriage. ... After it had passed the burying-ground and was out of sight, he hid his face in his bent elbow. It was some ten years afterward that word came to Eldress Hannah that Athalia Hall was dying and wanted to see her husband; would he come to her? "Will you go, Brother Lewis?" Eldress asked him, doubtfully.

"When I was a little girl, I desired very much to have a hymn sent through me to the family from the spirit-land; and after waiting and wishing for a long time, one day when I was little expecting it, as I was walking about, a hymn came to me thus, to my inexpressible delight" so said a Shaker eldress to me in all seriousness.

The voice of Eldress Abby pursued Hetty in her flight like the voice in a dream. She could hear its clear impassioned accents, saying, "The children of this world marry; but the children of the resurrection do not marry, for they are as the angels."