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"I noticed that you were gey glum to-night," said Argyll with a kind and even fraternal tone, for they were cousins and confidants as well as in a purely business relation to each-other. "I'm thinking we both want some of the stimulant Elchies and the Provost and the advocate lads take so copiously." "Bah!" said the Chamberlain; "but Sassenachs, Argyll, but Sassenachs, and they need it all.

The 23d the king sent me out of Morocco with a guard, and accompanied by the Alcayde Mahomet, to see his garden called Shersbonare; and at night of the 24th I was sent for to court to see a Morris dance, and a play acted by his Elchies.

I have no great liking for your husband, as you may guess; but there he's covered with compote and confusion, and for the look of the thing, if for no more, it would suit his wife to pretend some sympathy. In any case, for God's sake do not look at me as if I shared your amusement at his trouble. And I'm sure that Elchies by his glowering saw you eat my plum." Mrs.

The text was in Romans 5th and 13th the minister a skilled hand; and the whole of that able churchful from Argyle, and my Lords Elchies and Kilkerran, down to the halbertmen that came in their attendance was sunk with gathered brows in a profound critical attention.

The 23. day the king sent me out of Marocco to his garden called Shersbonare, with his gard, and Alcayde Mamoute, and the 24. at night I came to the court to see a Morris dance, and a play of his Elchies.

The text was in Romans 5th and 13th the minister a skilled hand; and the whole of that able churchful from Argyle, and my Lords Elchies and Kilkerran, down to the halbertmen that came in their attendance was sunk with gathered brows in a profound critical attention.

Lamond himself is a man I have a sort of softness for, though, to tell the truth, he has forced me into more litigation than he had money to pay for and I had patience to take any lasting interest in." "The Baron of Doom, is that the man?" cried Elchies, dryly. "Faith, I ken him well.

A suitable receptacle was constructed for this collection from the timber of the "Auld Gean Tree of Elchies" the largest of its kind in all Scotland whose trunk had a diameter of nearly four feet and whose branches had a spread of over twenty yards.

He met the calesh of the Lords going back the way it had come with an outrider in a red jacket from the stable of Argyll: it passed him on the highway so close that he saw Elchies and Kilkerran half sleeping within as they drove away from the scene of their dreadful duties.

The king sat in his chair of state, having his counsellors about him, both Moors and Elchies; and, according to his order previously given me, I declared my message to him in the Spanish language, and delivered her majestys letters. All that I spoke at this time in Spanish, he caused one of his Elchies to interpret to the Moors who were present in the Larbe tongue.