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Even Lady Rotherwood and Miss Elbury had been convinced, and by no means unwillingly, that Gillian had been less indiscreet than had been their first impression; but she had been a young lady of the period in her independence, and was therefore to be dreaded.

Her mother was an aunt of Alfred's father, an old decrepit widow, nearly bed-ridden, but pretty well to do, by being maintained chiefly by her daughter, who made a good thing of taking in washing in the suburbs of Elbury, and always had a girl or two under her. She had neither had the education, nor the good training in service, that had fallen to Mrs.

And he won't have the carriage, for he says it would shake his bones ever so much more than Shank's mare. 'Just like him, said Aunt Jane. 'Has Dr. Dagger given him leave? 'Yes; he said it wouldn't hurt him; but Lady Rotherwood told Miss Elbury she was sure he persuaded him. Mysie's confused pronouns were cut short by Lord Rotherwood's own appearance. 'You need not go, Jane, he said.

Her own governess is free now, and her mother on her way, and we thought she had better not begin another term. Yes, Victoria, I quite see that you might doubt her fitness to be much with Phyllis. I am not asking for that -I shall try to get her own governess to come at once; but for the child's sake and her mother's I should like to get this cleared up. May I see Miss Elbury?

'Well, added Lady Jane, 'I'll drive home directly, and send Price with the spring covered cart to take him in to Elbury. That will be better for him than jolting in the open cart they would send for him. 'Why, thank you, my Lady, but I I had passed my word that he should not go to-day.

Miss Elbury wanted us always to play battledore and shuttlecock, or Les Graces, if we couldn't go out. 'Horrid woman! said Valetta.

I'll come and let you in. 'Paul Blackthorn! cried Alfred. 'Been all the way to Elbury for me! O Mother, bring him up, and let me thank him! But how ever did he know? The tears came running down Alfred's cheeks at such kindness from a stranger. Mrs. King had hurried down-stairs, and at the threshold stood a watery figure, holding out the gallipot. 'Oh! thank you, thank you; but come in!

It was only horrid, Valetta said, that Mysie should sleep in a different house; but almost as much of her company was vouchsafed on the ensuing day, Sunday, for Miss Elbury had relations at Rockquay, and was released for the entire day; and Fly was still so tired in the morning that she was not allowed to get up early in the day.

But, though of course the little one's affair is the least important, we had better get to the bottom of that first, and I should like to tell you what really happened. She told her story, and how Valetta had been tempted and then bullied into going beyond the first peeps, and finding she did not produce the impression she wished, she begged Miss Elbury to talk it over with the head-mistress.

Paul could not make up his mind to walk all the way in the boots, but to satisfy the boys he engaged to put them on as soon as they were getting to Elbury. 'My! he looks quite respectable, cried Charles, running back a little way to look at him. 'I wonder if Mr. Cope will know him? exclaimed Harold, jumping leap-frog fashion on George Grant's back.