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If it be not recovered without delay, the chances of America's early and efficient participation in the war will suffer a tremendous setback ... Blensop, be good enough to call up the American Secret Service at once and ask whether the document in question was found on the body of this ah Ekstrom." "Pardon," Lanyard interposed as Blensop hesitantly approached the telephone.

What had prevented his dealing out to Ekstrom the punishment he had so well earned? That insatiable lust for loot of his.

"This way," he said, imperatively drawing her toward the window by which he had entered: "there's a balcony outside a short drop to the ground." And unlatching the window, he urged her through it. "Try to leave by the back gateway the one I showed you before avoiding Ekstrom " "But surely you are coming too?" she insisted, hanging back.

But he reckoned without Blensop's avarice, there; he showed Blensop too plainly the way to profit through betraying both parties to a bargain; Blensop saw no reason why he should not play the game that Ekstrom played. So he stole it for himself, to sell to Germany, but being a poor, witless fool, lacking Ekstrom's dash and audacity, was foredoomed to failure and exposure."

I had meant to make no profit of the affair I'm a bit squeamish about tainted money! but under present conditions, if France insists on rewarding me with safe conduct out of the country, I shan't refuse it.... Do you approve?" She nodded earnestly: "It would be worse than criminal to return them to Ekstrom...." "That's my view of the matter." "But these?"

They shall profit more, and quickly, when I have told all that I have to tell.... "Of a sudden Ekstrom vanished. Overnight he disappeared from Germany. A false lead brought me back to this front. Two days ago I learned he had been sent to America on a secret mission.

The second cast of the net had been made at the latter place as soon as the watchers were able to assure Crane that Ekstrom and O'Reilly had returned Dressier having anticipated them there by something like half an hour. By daybreak, then, these gentry would be interned on Ellis Island....

"You came back to serve France?" Lanyard shook his head. "I returned to Europe after a year, the spring before the war." "Why?" "I was hunted out of New York. The Boche would not let me be." The officer looked startled. "The Boche?" "More precisely, Herr Ekstrom to name him as we knew him. But this I did not suspect for a long time, that it was he who was responsible for my persecution.

"This man is tall and slender." "Wertheimer, possibly. Does he suggest an Englishman, any way?" "Not in the least. He wears a moustache blond twisted up like the Kaiser's." Lanyard made no reply; but his heart sank, and he shivered imperceptibly with foreboding. He entertained no doubt but that the worst had happened, that to the number of his enemies in Paris was added Ekstrom.

She looked round to discover Lanyard kneeling beside Ekstrom, insanely so it seemed to the girl engaged in blackening the upper half of the man's face with a handful of soot. Unconsciously uttering a little cry of distress she sped to his side and caught his shoulder with an importunate hand. "In Heaven's name, Monsieur Duchemin, what are you doing? Is this a time for childishness ?"