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Eat it raw and it's good; b'ile it and it's better; fry it and it can't be ekalled; stoo it wi' a rabbit and you've got a stoo as savoury an' full o' flavour smells all right, don't it, Ann?" he enquired suddenly and a little anxiously, for Diana had possessed herself of the fork and was investigating the pot's bubbling contents with that deft and capable assurance that is wholly feminine.

Parkman, besides several miscellanyus moral wax statoots of celebrated piruts & murderers, &c., ekalled by few & exceld by none. Now Mr. I shall hav my hanbills dun at your offiss. Depend upon it. I want you should git my hanbills up in flamin stile. Also git up a tremenjus excitemunt in yr. paper 'bowt my onparaleld Show. We must fetch the public sumhow. We must wurk on their feelins.

"Jeremy is a good-ish sort," he began, with a complacent flourish of the pipe, "a good-ish sort, but cross-grained Lord! young cove, 'is cross-grainedness is ekalled only by 'is per-werseness, and 'cause why?

"Though he wouldn't ha' passed as a Grenadier, not being tall enough, you see." "No," said Barnabas, his gaze still fixed. "But as a trap, sir, as a limb o' the law, he ain't to be ekalled nowheres nor nohow." "No," said Barnabas, rising. "What? are you off, sir must you march?" "Yes," said Barnabas, taking up his hat, "yes, I must go." "'Olborn way, sir?" "Yes."

Come you shall take it for five! Five bob for a book as ain't to be ekalled no-how and no-wheer " "Not in Asia, Africa or America?" said Barnabas. "Eh?" said the Pedler, glancing sharply up at him, "why what, Lord love me it's you, is it? aha! So it did the trick for you, did it?" "What do you mean?" "Mean, sir?

"What kind of flavor?" demanded Barnabas, coming a step nearer, though in a somewhat stately fashion. "Why, a gamey flavor, to be sure, young sir; a 'igh flavor ah! the 'igher the better. Specially in books. Now here," continued the Chapman, holding up the volume he had been reading. "'Ere's a book as ain't to be ekalled nowheers nor nohow not in Latin nor Greek, nor Persian, no, nor yet 'Indoo.

You should see the plains of sage! It grows wild." "And there's ducks, you say?" observed Susan Peckaby. "It's convenient to have sage in plenty where there's ducks," added she to the assembly in general. "What a land it must be!" "A land that's not to be ekalled! A land flowing with milk and honey!" rapturously echoed Brother Jarrum.

"Sir," said Joe, "me an' the Spider searched that wood, an' we found a coat " "Shut up, Joe," snarled the Old Un, "you're tellin' it all wrong. Guv, Joe an' the Spider went a-seekin' an' a-searchin' that wood, an' they found a cloo " "Oh?" said Ravenslee. "A cloo as is a-goin' t' 'ang somebody yet a cloo, Guv, as ain't t' be ekalled for blood-guilt an' mystery.

You've done her some good, my lad, I believe, said the Captain, under his breath, and throwing an approving glance upon his watch. 'Put you back half-an-hour every morning, and about another quarter towards the arternoon, and you're a watch as can be ekalled by few and excelled by none. What cheer, my lady lass! 'Captain Cuttle! Is it you? exclaimed Florence, raising herself a little.