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Beethoven's reward on these lines was great in proportion to his victory over himself. Ach, der menschliche Intellekt! Ach "Genie"! Es ist nicht so gar viel einen "Faust" eine Schopenhauerische Philosophie, eine Eroika gemacht zu haben. Friederich Nietzshe. The immediate fruit of this mental travail was a sudden growth or expansion of his creative powers.

Reise durch einen Theil von England und Schottland, 1802-3. 8vo. Marburg, 1811. These travels, which, like all travels in our own country by foreigners, are interesting, independently of any intrinsic merit, because they exhibit the impressions made on them by what to us is either common or proper, are translated from the Swedish: the author's name is Svedensgerna.

But he employed still stronger language against the Austrians, whose method of reimposing their rule in Lombardy had lost them all their friends in England, for the time at least, and had worked their foes up to the point of fury. Those were the days when they sang at Vienna: Hat der Teufel einen Sohn, So ist er sicher Palmerston.

Finally she asked, "Have you ever read that poem of Heine's 'Ein Jungling liebt ein Madchen, Die hat einen Andern erwahlt?" "Oh, yes," he answered; then they were silent again. Finally Corydon nerved herself to yet another effort. "Mr. Harding," she said, "will you come a little nearer, please. I have something very important to say to you."

The subtle and complex character of the sexual relationships in a high civilization and the unhappy results of their State regulation were well expressed by Wilhelm von Humboldt in his Ideen zu einen Versuch die Grenzen der Wirksamkeit des Staates zu bestimmen, so long ago as 1792.

The population of Berlin, which was only 6,000, was doubled by the French exodus. The very language spoken at Berlin was a savoury mixture of French and German. Ein plus machen meant in the language of the Grand Elector to have a surplus revenue. To express his ideal of kingship, the Elector said: Ich stabilire die souveraineté auf einen rocher von Bronce.

Giro del Mondo del G.F. Gemelli Carreri. Naples, 1699. 7 vols. 8vo. Letters from Barbary, France, Spain, and Portugal. Cor. de Jong Reisen naer de Cap de Goede Hop, Ierland en Norwégen. Haarlem, 1802. 8vo. Friedrich, Briefe au einen freund, eine reise von Gibraltar nach Tanger und von da durch Spanien, und Frankreich, Zurich, nach Deutschland, betreffend.

The type is described in Schiller's Song of the Founding of the Bell: Denn, wo das strenge mit dem zarten, Wo mildes sich und starkes paarten, Da giebt es einen guten Klang. There is a tendency to apply the term "miraculous" to the career of every hero, and in a sense such description is, of course, true.

The Nieblung Lied tells of Siegfried's feats with bear, buffalo, elk, wolf, and deer: "Danach schlug er wieder einen Buffel und einen Elk Vier starkes Auer nieder und einen grimmen Schelk, So schnell trug ihn die Mahre, dasz ihm nichts entsprang; Hinden und Hirsche wurden viele sein Fang. ....... ein Waldthier furchterlich, Einen wilden Baren."

Grundy. Lessing felt this when he wrote his brilliant quatrain: Wer wird nicht einen Klopstock loben, Doch wird ihn jeder lesen? Nein! Wir wollen weniger erhoben Und fleissiger gelesen sein,